Friends eaters, come to be inspired recipes that you are simmering on the new blog Chow, launched a few days ago with friends. It promises you good, flood of salty and sweet candied of.
All First, sorry for this long truce a little over a month. I was pretty busy, and probably the other posters have forgotten their password to get here ... But that's okay, everything comes to he who loves his meat eating to the point and this month's absence has not been for nothing. So one month (Even a little) that I worked on this project, and now he complete.
To So here is my second Max: Chocolate EP ". 5 titles between electro, Dutch house, pop, downtempo, a broad range of different sounds that I like going out with my little plugs:)
Rotate the links, 'cause it's 100 % free:
DTED - Chocolate EP "( link mediafire - rapidshare link )
And as a bonus, the clip signed Djimi, sexy without being vulgar," hot hot hot chocolate " , here it says:)
"If undergrads are the Future, we're all doomed" Where Were You When
I just accepted a contract for corrective for both final exams for a French course given to undergraduate students in arts education (theater, dance, music, visual art), and j ' 'm afraid. I'm already instructor for that course, and there are many students who I explain again what a direct object or an adverb. At the university level. Brothel. These people want to teach, and they make a mistake to 7 words, even when they are entitled to the dictionary.
So, I'm afraid I feel that the reviews will be particularly harmful for my faith in humanity, or at least, for my faith in the future of French in Quebec ...
Risky business, we must believe. I'll tell you when I passed through the first stack!