Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Normal Love Making Po


Those who know me know love unconditional love for comic books - I love sharing, to some extent. I have no account with my name in Millennium and I do not read religiously, every Wednesday, my weekly harvest, but I dip into his own, and it often makes me discover the beautiful business.

There was Fables, Y and some others, but right now, I discover a truly magnificent series whose concept is as surprising and interesting: Daytripper .

The problem is that you unveiled the famous concept, I'll spoil all the fun of reading, at least for the first two numbers (you will quickly, then, to understand where it all goes away). Let's just say that this series is going to Brazil (which will perhaps interest Miss Do?), The main character is the obituaries editor and writer, he has some unresolved conflicts with his father, and that it all becomes secondary when describing the series as soon as we reached the end of the first issue.

The authors take us squarely the carpet underfoot, leaving us all breathless, floating in limbo, and vaguely suspicious. This state will not last long, since the entire series has already been published and can immediately rush to the next to try to clarify the situation. But still, it's worth it, especially since the pictures are gorgeous, the characters are interesting and the story is well told with a poetic tone a bit, but not much.

A little sunshine in a comic for the darkening autumn.

ADDITION: I just discovered that the 10 numbers that make up the series released in paperback, so in one volume, February 8, 2011. Buying a who really worth the trouble, especially that price! Damage whatsoever after Christmas ...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Clever Things To Say On Your Voicemail

Time flies when you're having fun

I told you there not long ago, my fears of an apprentice conductor. Well now, I got my license yesterday. I would not say that my technique is perfect, but obviously I'm doing well enough to have the right to crack down on the roads.

I spoke shortly after, I discovered that my students only. Well now, we still have a little less than two weeks before leaving, I am trying to prepare their final exam.

Yes, really, time flies. Meanwhile, I managed to write a new version of the novel for Mr. the publisher. Tighten here extend this, add a little of this and cut a little of that. And I had fun. Much. If all goes well, you should see him after the coverage in the spring, and at worst in the summer.

Just in time for the holidays - those moments that spin so fast, because we have fun.