Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hologram Removal Driver's Licence

Escape From Hell! Hal Duncan

Author: Hal Duncan - Translator: Florence Dolisie
Publisher: Routledge - Published: October 2010
ISBN: 9782070438259 - Price: 5.10 €

About the author

Hal Duncan is Scottish. He is the author of three novels and lives in Glasgow.

Back Cover

Eli is a bum, broke in the end roller, a beautiful prostitute who seeks to escape her pimp. Matthew is a young gay man, a hitman Seven ruthless. They do not know but come together on the same boat ... bound for Hell. Hell a rather unusual, which could be New York but is a copy ... frankly staggered. All four, armed with their own worries and accompanied by a strange character, have more then one thing in mind: finding a way to escape.


The first thing we understand in beginning this book, c is that the author clearly intended an action novel. And maybe even a little too much.

Because yes, everything goes very quickly, the characters are drawn quickly enough, and frankly, we do not know much else of them than what is found in the back cover. We're really immersed in the action, and if it does not hurt from time to time, for me it's almost gone too fast at the beginning of the novel.

What is unfortunate is that the author has sown in the novel some thoughts on Hell, which will ultimately not used. Similarly, the tu happens quite suddenly, and so to me it seemed very clear, the change point of view is a bit difficult to understand.

Clearly, if you just want a relaxing romance, action, without the fuss, this is for you. If you are looking for a little more, you may be disappointed, because the action novel light is apparently what the author wanted to "Escape From Hell!".

Lu in common with Circle Atuan . The opinions here:

- Ende

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Member Breakfast Invitation Templates

Death of a dark lord, by Laurell K. Hamilton

Author: Laurell K. Hamilton - Translator: Dominique Mikorey - Illustrators: Jon Foster and Matt Adelsperger
Publisher: Milady - Published: October 2009 ISBN
: 9782811201913 - Price: 6 €

About the author

Born in 1963 in a small town in Arkansas, Laurell Kaye Hamilton was raised by her grandmother in a small town in Indiana. In 1993 she created the character of Anita Blake and then ignores it is the instigator of a new literary movement, derived from the Urban Fantasy: The bit bed . Since then, she spends a novel in his favorite character, along with books in the series Merry Gentry or novelizations for licenses. ( Star Trek: The Next Generation , Ravenloft .)

Back Cover

In a world where witchcraft is feared more than anything, a young girl discovers she has strange magical powers.
But can she rely on her own gift while all is corrupt?


should know that I read this book having seen many marked "Ravenloft" on the cover, but without a moment the link between that and the game Dungeons and Dragons to me yet known. This is the first criticism that I would do in this book, since in fact Ravenloft is the name of a kingdom, that the author does not have time to really explain to the reader. Admittedly, a little explanation or reference to an explanation would however have been very helpful.

The first chapter talks about Calum Maitrechant, old man dying and who will decide to take a new body, younger. And the rest of the novel, we go on about the adventures of a band of adventurers, led by Jonathan Calum Best Friend, and his wife Tereza. Among Elaine Cairns and his twin. Elaine is a young girl who has repressed his powers so far, and which will therefore become a magician in a world where magic is feared and hated ...

The adventure itself is interesting, but frankly, without knowing that we are in a world of Dungeons and Dragons or the uninitiated, it is very difficult quickly understand that our heroes are actually a group of adventurers.

Characters are not very developed, it is understandable given that it apparently was not what the author wanted to do here, but sometimes hard to understand, especially as some sections are not really clear in style.

Finally, besides the history of Calum, there are other plots that unfold gradually, and I admit I was extremely frustrated that some are suddenly sidelined as the healing powers of Elaine example.

This book reads very quickly, however, and it's very clearly a novel of adventure, but for me it's really a shame not to have placed a little introduction to explain the world and the universe and above indicate that this volume it is part of a series ... Because it is never shown in the book, we do not understand much, and it remains on its end.

book read in common with reading Livraddict , here are the views of other participants:

- Frankie
- Thalia

Melisende Thanks for the organization, and for allowing me to get this book from my PAL!