Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hologram Removal Driver's Licence

Escape From Hell! Hal Duncan

Author: Hal Duncan - Translator: Florence Dolisie
Publisher: Routledge - Published: October 2010
ISBN: 9782070438259 - Price: 5.10 €

About the author

Hal Duncan is Scottish. He is the author of three novels and lives in Glasgow.

Back Cover

Eli is a bum, broke in the end roller, a beautiful prostitute who seeks to escape her pimp. Matthew is a young gay man, a hitman Seven ruthless. They do not know but come together on the same boat ... bound for Hell. Hell a rather unusual, which could be New York but is a copy ... frankly staggered. All four, armed with their own worries and accompanied by a strange character, have more then one thing in mind: finding a way to escape.


The first thing we understand in beginning this book, c is that the author clearly intended an action novel. And maybe even a little too much.

Because yes, everything goes very quickly, the characters are drawn quickly enough, and frankly, we do not know much else of them than what is found in the back cover. We're really immersed in the action, and if it does not hurt from time to time, for me it's almost gone too fast at the beginning of the novel.

What is unfortunate is that the author has sown in the novel some thoughts on Hell, which will ultimately not used. Similarly, the tu happens quite suddenly, and so to me it seemed very clear, the change point of view is a bit difficult to understand.

Clearly, if you just want a relaxing romance, action, without the fuss, this is for you. If you are looking for a little more, you may be disappointed, because the action novel light is apparently what the author wanted to "Escape From Hell!".

Lu in common with Circle Atuan . The opinions here:

- Ende


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