Sunday, December 19, 2010

Game Were U Can Get Prenant

break pee 10mn Vernon


Haute Normandie Region has done well to have the manufacturers of railway equipment. After the snow or rain seeps through the joints of VO2N renovated, heating nonexistent TER 2N NG, toilets are to speak of them again :

this morning at the Vernon station, the 1 / 2 ream (yet) TER 2N NG which was in the station (to Paris) scored off a very extended to enable users to go relieve themselves in the Single Station toilet Vernon (or behind a bush!), because they were convicted of the train due to cold (as usual)!

And yes, in 2010, there is no toilet in the winter mainline trains ... as heat which is not terrible, often missing the light (neon HS) 220v outlets that do not work, the seats uncomfortable, the sounds of incessant cabin, overload due to not train composition always consistent and delays related to external causes (by station) ...

We arrive at the end of the year, and this is the first time I tell myself that we go straight into the wall . So far, I thought we were going through difficult but that the future would be better. Today, despite the dozens of meetings between VTV, the SNCF and the region, the service is worse than yesterday. And it's not over, we just learned that a teller station was to be abolished in February at the Vernon station. All this is incomprehensible. Ms. Le Hire (Intercity director) said to us that the station is doing everything possible to return to a normal situation, users see every day that this is not true and the contrary SNCF does everything to divert the train passengers.

However, you can count on VTV to protect users in 2011 and beyond, but we also need you all!

Enjoy the holidays because the recovery will be difficult!


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