Thursday, March 18, 2010

What Do Police See When They Run Your Plates

The endless journey

I just found these two bloggers -travelers and I'm frankly amazed (and inspired). Their motivation for savings order from me good and reassuring.

for me, although I do not see myself able to put aside 75% of my salary (and the rent alone accounts cover a third of my income as a student at a "normal" year, is without merit scholarship), I'm already two of their tricks is to say, make a budget and set money aside for an automatic transfer to my savings account. And anyway, it's hard. Hard not to want to shop, eat out, going out for a beer with friends, seeing shows.

Sometimes I tell myself that if I stopped drinking and going to the restaurant, I'd be rich ... And other times, I calculate the time I spend traveling from the time I spend with me, and I think it's a lot of sacrifice for a little while ... But that time is worth so much trouble. It is a dilemma at all times.


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