Saturday, February 5, 2011

High Cervix Always Pregnancy?

SNCF will answer ...

You have demonstrated your strong mobilization during the protest action organized by associations of users of Vernon, Bueil, Bernay and Mantois February 3 last, and we thank you.
This action was overwhelmingly backed by local and national media. We prepare a report and a "news magazine" to be published shortly.

Meanwhile, management the station has sent two messages in response to our demands and our discontent.
The first in the form of a letter from the Director of Norman Lines, which speaks for itself so the arguments it contains are poor and out of step with the reality on the ground.
Here is the full text:

Madam, Gentlemen

In your email of 28 January 2011 you make me part of the "mobilization Users'
Parisians, Normans "following the conditions of carriage 2010.

First, I want to reaffirm our commitment to improving the quality of service and the daily work done in this direction.

Regarding regularity, as you mention in your letter, the end of 2010 has been impacted by social movements, but also and mainly by unusually snowy weather. In this specific context, all teams have worked daily so that all our clients are transported, sometimes under conditions that have been degraded, but at a time when all other modes of transport were paralyzed.
We indeed also other causes of irregularity identified, which are not related to exceptional situations. Some internal, which does not represent the majority of cases, which we have levers and other external improvements over many from the ill, the Personal Accident or infrastructure ... In regard to infrastructure, owned Reseau Ferre de France, work has been performed for two years and a timetable is being developed over the coming months and years without waiting for new facilities related to future rail projects. Indeed we wish above all things that work on existing or completed.
These works, you will understand, require time and investment will inevitably impact the regularity because we need to balance work on these lines operated and dense in Ile de France.

Finally, we have initiated with you a "cycle" of working meetings to develop shorter-term actions that are very focused on compositions of peak trains in particular, passenger information, on cleanliness and heating in some trains ... and it is now necessary that teams working on these trains identified so that improved service quality is visible.

With regard to financial measures, our organizing authorities lay down the conditions for compensation and contract our goals that give rise to claims bonus. But we'll talk when we met up on February 10, 2011 at 18:30.

Rest assured that the improvement of local transport for the SNCF is a major daily and fragile than the 12 lines that are now under "crisis of exceptional growth" is an example of short-term actions. This does in no way makes us forget our other lines. However we need to advance a true climate of calm and united so that work crews could wear) fruit and of course I count on your cooperation so we can move forward.

Please accept, Madam, Gentlemen, in my best consideration.


The second answer is this:

The tighter controls on board and "home boarding" in the station ... This was organized on February 4 in Vernon, ie the day after the protest action.

Branch SNCF ensures that these checks were planned a long time and have no direct relationship with the various movements of angry users. Whatever! Even if they were planned long ago, keep them in this context "agitated" and gradient is seen as a provocation by many travelers. This proves once again the low adaptation capacity of the station to its environment and the real situation experienced in the field by its staff and its customers ...
Exits to deploy human, we would much prefer that the station puts a priority on maintenance, preparation and movement of trains. It begins with restoring a quality service, it can then afford to control those who benefit massively!

For now, our claims do not appear have attracted the attention of the station. But users and associations continue to consolidate and organize to change that ...
We want to continue to be players in our transport!

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