Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Whats The Best Way To Masturebate

The search for Hope (trilogy), Johan Heliot

Author: Johan Heliot - Illustrator: Manchu

Publisher: L'Atalante - Published: 2009-2010

ISBN: 9782841724796 (Volume 1) - Price: 10 € (each volume)

About the author

Born in 1970, Johan Heliot is fully dedicated to writing since 2002 after teaching at a vocational college. To date, he has published more than seventy new and over thirty novels for many publishers (Mnemos, Denoël, Mango, The Rock, Folio, Syros, Flammarion ...) in all kinds of imagination (science fiction , fantasy, thriller, detective story). He writes for both adults and youth, alone or in collaboration with Xavier Mauméjean.Johan Heliot lives in the Vosges mountains with his wife and cats.

Back Cover (Volume 1 )

Under the command of the young Légyria the Hope travels ship animal tracks in the desert, carrying precious cargoes from oasis to oasis.
One morning, the boatswain's edge, Orso, a former mercenary, see the ballet of vultures in the sky: the disturbing birds machinery is about to attack a child who wanders castaway in the wake of Hope. Orso starts to his rescue. The child pronounces the first word Izaïn - who became his name.


warned that it may have spoilers. The first volume is interesting, reads quickly, and we quickly get into his nets by giving us wanting to know more about Izaïn the famous parchment. The particular side of ship-living me personally somewhat reminds vessels of Ticket the sea, Robin Hobb, but the concept is quite different with the case of pockets, although intriguing for me ^ ^

What I liked in this first volume is also another plot developed, which can not be centered on Izaïn is gradually discovers a whole world.

shamefully confess having read the last two volumes long after the first, but fortunately a short summary was provided at the beginning of Volume 2, helping to recover everything in place. Things accelerated in this second volume, which reads just as fast as the first was a little more action, and especially we learn more about these stories a bit between political pirates, who have much. We also discover little by little trace technology, which can not intrigued by the reader.

The third and final volume is less fluid than others, and more rich in revelations, as we will finally know everything, or almost. It was difficult for me to expect such an end and as many surprises, and this is my faith nice ... A trilogy finally over I would not regret!


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