Sunday, February 6, 2011

My Dog Has Frequent Seizures

Operation Moo 2 "in the media

Operation Moo 2: Thursday, February 3, 2011
Click for details mosaic

The vast operation " Moo 2 " Paris-St-Lazare held on Thursday, February 3 at the arrival of four trains from Normandy between 7:55 ET 8:20 was a success both in terms of participation and mobilization 2000 users and elected officials on board these trains that many media who followed us during the trip and arrival symbolic and peaceful in the Court of Le Havre.

On behalf of the Assembly of Users Association of Paris-St-Lazare (AAU-PSL), and more particularly on behalf of your association Vernon Train of Life, we want to thank all the members of VTV and users who have been involved in transportation during this event! Congratulations, you're all fantastic, we know that you are not yet resigned and that we can count on you!

This operation was also a very successful media , even more than during the operation "Moo 1, 11 March 2010: we have indeed deliberately chosen to publicly announce the launch of Operation Moo 2 "from February 3, 2011 so that the media would not be caught unawares in the current context of national protest movement initiated by many users of the station. The result has exceeded our expectations because the event was covered by many media, whether local, regional and even national: A Democrat, Paris-Normandie, France 3 Haute-Normandie and Ile de France, Le Courrier d'Evreux, BFM TV, RTL, France Bleu Haute Normandie and Ile-de-France, Radio Crystal Radio Enghien, 20 Minutes, Metro ... This list is not exhaustive!

We would especially like to thank the team BFM TV who chose to "follow" the members of Vernon Lifestyles of the day before the operation and got his reports so faithful until the arrival of 7:25 train from 13,104 (with 10 minutes late ...) Paris-St Lazare.

For users who could not participate or just to those who would like to review the many images in media published and broadcast, here are some excerpts:

BFM TV : report to Paris St-Lazare

BFM TV: report on train 13104

France 3 Haute-Normandie : interview Didier Plateau Jaumet, President of VTV

France 3 Haute-Normandie JT 19h

France 3 Ile-de-France JT 19h

Paris-Normandie : report


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