Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hologram Removal Driver's Licence

Escape From Hell! Hal Duncan

Author: Hal Duncan - Translator: Florence Dolisie
Publisher: Routledge - Published: October 2010
ISBN: 9782070438259 - Price: 5.10 €

About the author

Hal Duncan is Scottish. He is the author of three novels and lives in Glasgow.

Back Cover

Eli is a bum, broke in the end roller, a beautiful prostitute who seeks to escape her pimp. Matthew is a young gay man, a hitman Seven ruthless. They do not know but come together on the same boat ... bound for Hell. Hell a rather unusual, which could be New York but is a copy ... frankly staggered. All four, armed with their own worries and accompanied by a strange character, have more then one thing in mind: finding a way to escape.


The first thing we understand in beginning this book, c is that the author clearly intended an action novel. And maybe even a little too much.

Because yes, everything goes very quickly, the characters are drawn quickly enough, and frankly, we do not know much else of them than what is found in the back cover. We're really immersed in the action, and if it does not hurt from time to time, for me it's almost gone too fast at the beginning of the novel.

What is unfortunate is that the author has sown in the novel some thoughts on Hell, which will ultimately not used. Similarly, the tu happens quite suddenly, and so to me it seemed very clear, the change point of view is a bit difficult to understand.

Clearly, if you just want a relaxing romance, action, without the fuss, this is for you. If you are looking for a little more, you may be disappointed, because the action novel light is apparently what the author wanted to "Escape From Hell!".

Lu in common with Circle Atuan . The opinions here:

- Ende

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Member Breakfast Invitation Templates

Death of a dark lord, by Laurell K. Hamilton

Author: Laurell K. Hamilton - Translator: Dominique Mikorey - Illustrators: Jon Foster and Matt Adelsperger
Publisher: Milady - Published: October 2009 ISBN
: 9782811201913 - Price: 6 €

About the author

Born in 1963 in a small town in Arkansas, Laurell Kaye Hamilton was raised by her grandmother in a small town in Indiana. In 1993 she created the character of Anita Blake and then ignores it is the instigator of a new literary movement, derived from the Urban Fantasy: The bit bed . Since then, she spends a novel in his favorite character, along with books in the series Merry Gentry or novelizations for licenses. ( Star Trek: The Next Generation , Ravenloft .)

Back Cover

In a world where witchcraft is feared more than anything, a young girl discovers she has strange magical powers.
But can she rely on her own gift while all is corrupt?


should know that I read this book having seen many marked "Ravenloft" on the cover, but without a moment the link between that and the game Dungeons and Dragons to me yet known. This is the first criticism that I would do in this book, since in fact Ravenloft is the name of a kingdom, that the author does not have time to really explain to the reader. Admittedly, a little explanation or reference to an explanation would however have been very helpful.

The first chapter talks about Calum Maitrechant, old man dying and who will decide to take a new body, younger. And the rest of the novel, we go on about the adventures of a band of adventurers, led by Jonathan Calum Best Friend, and his wife Tereza. Among Elaine Cairns and his twin. Elaine is a young girl who has repressed his powers so far, and which will therefore become a magician in a world where magic is feared and hated ...

The adventure itself is interesting, but frankly, without knowing that we are in a world of Dungeons and Dragons or the uninitiated, it is very difficult quickly understand that our heroes are actually a group of adventurers.

Characters are not very developed, it is understandable given that it apparently was not what the author wanted to do here, but sometimes hard to understand, especially as some sections are not really clear in style.

Finally, besides the history of Calum, there are other plots that unfold gradually, and I admit I was extremely frustrated that some are suddenly sidelined as the healing powers of Elaine example.

This book reads very quickly, however, and it's very clearly a novel of adventure, but for me it's really a shame not to have placed a little introduction to explain the world and the universe and above indicate that this volume it is part of a series ... Because it is never shown in the book, we do not understand much, and it remains on its end.

book read in common with reading Livraddict , here are the views of other participants:

- Frankie
- Thalia

Melisende Thanks for the organization, and for allowing me to get this book from my PAL!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Sports Figures Price Guides

Love in the Time of communism, Bessa Myftiu

Author: Bessa Myftiu
Publisher: Fayard - Published: January 2011
ISBN: 9782213655819 - Price: 18,50 €

About the author

Ph.D. in education, Bessa Byftiu is a poet, translator, screenwriter and novelist. Born in Tirana, she now lives in Switzerland, where she teaches at the University of Geneva. She chose the French language for writing.

Back Cover

bind the penis in the zipper of his pants and see a divine warning for abstinence, to prescribe antibiotics in anticipation of her cat her own miscarriage, recite poetry enthusiasts Ismail Kadare in the middle of Abba songs, go buy a sheep for a feast and come face to face with a Soviet tank ... These were the large and small mishaps that were exposed young lovers in Albania at the time of communisme.Légendes and superstitions of a bygone age, archaic patriarchal structure and uncompromising morality of socialist progress, finally everything is blended to produce the same precepts: get virgin at marriage (for girls), avoid misalliances (boys), follow the recommendations of his parents rather than the impulses of his heart (in all cases).


built in three parts, this novel tells us the first loves of three Albanian girls, stuck at the airport to get to the wedding of their mutual friend.

Firstly, it is evident in an unknown environment, that of Albania, where women have less freedom, and in a communist country. The first of three daughters was married and has one son. She falls in love with a man who will never marry her, impure woman, since no longer a virgin. His story is quite sad, even if at the end, this game is full of surprises, and the opportunity to learn more about the context.

Other parties are also interesting, particularly the second is full of humor, and it ultimately joyful novel, which reads easily and handles a few of the countries of eastern and culture.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Whats The Best Way To Masturebate

The search for Hope (trilogy), Johan Heliot

Author: Johan Heliot - Illustrator: Manchu

Publisher: L'Atalante - Published: 2009-2010

ISBN: 9782841724796 (Volume 1) - Price: 10 € (each volume)

About the author

Born in 1970, Johan Heliot is fully dedicated to writing since 2002 after teaching at a vocational college. To date, he has published more than seventy new and over thirty novels for many publishers (Mnemos, Denoël, Mango, The Rock, Folio, Syros, Flammarion ...) in all kinds of imagination (science fiction , fantasy, thriller, detective story). He writes for both adults and youth, alone or in collaboration with Xavier Mauméjean.Johan Heliot lives in the Vosges mountains with his wife and cats.

Back Cover (Volume 1 )

Under the command of the young Légyria the Hope travels ship animal tracks in the desert, carrying precious cargoes from oasis to oasis.
One morning, the boatswain's edge, Orso, a former mercenary, see the ballet of vultures in the sky: the disturbing birds machinery is about to attack a child who wanders castaway in the wake of Hope. Orso starts to his rescue. The child pronounces the first word Izaïn - who became his name.


warned that it may have spoilers. The first volume is interesting, reads quickly, and we quickly get into his nets by giving us wanting to know more about Izaïn the famous parchment. The particular side of ship-living me personally somewhat reminds vessels of Ticket the sea, Robin Hobb, but the concept is quite different with the case of pockets, although intriguing for me ^ ^

What I liked in this first volume is also another plot developed, which can not be centered on Izaïn is gradually discovers a whole world.

shamefully confess having read the last two volumes long after the first, but fortunately a short summary was provided at the beginning of Volume 2, helping to recover everything in place. Things accelerated in this second volume, which reads just as fast as the first was a little more action, and especially we learn more about these stories a bit between political pirates, who have much. We also discover little by little trace technology, which can not intrigued by the reader.

The third and final volume is less fluid than others, and more rich in revelations, as we will finally know everything, or almost. It was difficult for me to expect such an end and as many surprises, and this is my faith nice ... A trilogy finally over I would not regret!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

People Inserting Tampons

Find Research

Digging a little in my archives, I found that the intellectual level of my blog had significantly decreased over time, as if simply holding a blog made inevitably more parochial. No, but what happened to the heyday when I knock you out of art criticism and notes on politics, literature and broadcasts by Radio-lock? The influence of Facebook is certainly something, and perhaps also the fact that my belly button away more of my back and becomes, thereby, becoming more visible. Anyway, I decided to remedy the situation by talking about Proust (no less). You'll forgive me the dubious title pun.

For a little over two years I put myself in the head to read the At has Search of Lost Time complete. First, because I was a little tired of hearing about it from my teachers and my classmates (UQAM offers a 45-hour course on Proust), and especially tired of reading theoretical works which took into example (see Genette without having read Proust, it becomes downright annoying). Then, because I remembered having read an excerpt from In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower in an anthology in college and have found it very beautiful. Finally, because I thought the first sentence ("For a long time, I went to bed early") quite delicious. Without doubt a challenge, too. So I started full of enthusiasm.

I've already given my love for Alexandrian and literature from another era . Both say that the language of Proust and his interminable sentences do not scare me any more than his descriptions of high society divided by the Dreyfus affair. Still, it takes some perseverance to get through Research without giving up. There are thousands of pages, after all, during which it happens quite a few things and where most is the description of landscapes, introspection and comments (often quite accurate) on the foibles and quirks of humanity. Being a contemplative and introspective nature, I must say though that I often agree, despite the anachronism in the narrator. But after reading in the space of a few months (in summer, even), From Swann and In the shadow of young girls riv r, I left the following volumes take dust on my bookshelf. I have moved Petite-Patrie and Villeray without opening them suddenly at the end of last summer, it happened: I found research.

Since last fall, I slipped continuously (except for Christmas to read two Maigret) The Guermantes I and II and Sodom and Ghomorre I and II, and I just get into The prisoner . I have less than half of the volumes to read, and about 1500 pages. And you know what? I like it.

My relationship with Proust went through several stages. At first, especially with In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower I had a little trouble. I got tired of descriptions and reflections that constantly interrupted the action, I wanted to learn about the changing relationships between the characters and digressions continual beginning to weigh me. He had to accept all that and I finally catch the rhythm of these sentences half a page, which now seem well short lull me peacefully. Still, I must admit I'm not always a reader of the most serious. If I revel in some passages, I have no problem to avail myself of rights drive Pennac when the author dwells too much on the etymology of the names of obscure villages, and I read diagonally. Sometimes, too, Proust annoys me, and I even say "gnagnagna" in my head rolling fast on a passage.

But ultimately, the thousands of pages are like a long journey along the same person, during which I learn to be thoroughly familiar with his style, to notice its evolution over the volumes and love with his faults and freedom taken on grammar (yes, he puts a comma between subject and verb, sometimes, and gives its past participle with "en"). If I started read, perhaps because it was a must literature, I continue because I found a real pleasure.

Read Research, perhaps a bit like St Jacques de Compostela or climb Mount Everest. It takes patience and some preparation, but the scenery and the inner journey are worth it, as much or more than the arrival at the end of the trip.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How To Erase Saved Files From Gpsphone

Bracket, Elodie Durand

Author / Illustrator: Elodie Durand
Publisher: Delcourt - Published: May 2010
ISBN: 9782756017037 - Price: 14.95 €

About the author

Elodie Durand studied at the School of Decorative Arts in Strasbourg, and took courses illustration by Claude Lapointe, Christian Heinrich and Joseph Behe. She graduated in 2003 DNSEP Communication "illustration" with honors. She also works for the press and publishing children's youth (Actes Sud, Milan, Bayard ...).


A piece of life, a struggle against a failing memory, which fades gradually, and against the disease.


Reading the fourth, I thought having to do a story Alzeihmer's disease, or senility. Something we know about it affects memory, all that. Well no.

From the first pages, we understand that we have here a narrative moving, even if at first you do not understand. It tells us little by little the absence that the narrator herself does not notice, did not see these slices of life disappear into oblivion, and then changes, forget what the doctor said, forgetting to be summer.

It's very sad that level, since we can only see through the narrator degradation of his memory, she forgets everything, his life which is no longer really, nothing to remember, and then how it goes up the slope, slowly, with difficulty. The graphics of the comic is also very nice and does help to imagine what may be a memory leak.

A great comic for me, but also sad.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Can Gleason 8 Cancer Stay In Prostate

World swallowed, by JG Ballard

Author: JG Ballard - Translator: Michel Pagel
E publisher: Gallimard (Folio SF) - Published: January 2011
ISBN: 9782070398416 - Price: 5.70 €

About the author

James Graham Ballard was born in Shanghai in November 1930, when British concession, where his father ran a large textile company. At Cambridge, Ballard discovered surrealism, science fiction and psychoanalysis. After hesitating between medicine and literature English, he enlisted in the Royal Air Force and began writing. Her first novel appeared in 1956 in the magazine New Worlds. Married and father, he settled in Shepperton, a suburb of London, and decided to devote himself to writing. He published several novels and is gradually gaining ground as a writer of science fiction important. In 1973 he published Crash!, A novel shock that will be adapted for film by David Cronenberg. It continues the "Trilogy of concrete" with the island of concrete and IGH It is gradually distancing itself from the science fiction published in 1984 and Empire of the Sun, inspired by his experience in Asia, which will be adapted into a film by Steven Spielberg. In 2003 appears Millennium People. JG Ballard died April 19, 2009.


We are not very long after our era, but do not know when. Because of solar explosions, the climate of Earth has been radically changed, and it is gradually invaded by the jungle and the heat ... Biologist Robert Kerans is responsible for studying this change in London and will see the end of the world .....


Initially difficult to focus on this novel. We do not really know where we are, what happens, except that the main character, Kerans, seems to be part of a unit of exploration Science. Gradually, we understand that we are on the planet that is changing slowly.

Throughout the novel, or almost, we follow the story in the jungle-like landscapes of hell, where nature takes its course. How will humanity survive Is she right?

What I liked was finally imagine that the situation of the planet is contemplated here is somewhere "conceivable", as the author imagines that that ozone is degraded, and therefore As the Earth warms. We also have a few adventures with the arrival of the group "illegals" who are doing advance the story, while keeping the plot interested me most, namely at metamorphosis. I will not say more because you'd be spoilers, but this theory fascinated me ^ ^

The only regret is for the purpose, which is not really one for me and a little gross ^ ^

Why British Red Flower

Martha Stewart Sunday

I've never been particularly crazy about decorating. Obviously, I like things to be nice around me, but I have not the talent nor the patience to make a real effort, unlike some of my friends who are very talented. In fact, I never considered my interior decorating as a project.

But last month, I have fun playing madly to Martha Stewart by rearranging our apartment in full force, and especially I lose a lot of time on this site to find original ideas, design and certainly not too "Fisher Price" for my daughter's room.

When I chose the colors, it was not known yet whether there would be a boy or a girl, but I was particularly struck by this nursery daughter. From our side, for now, it looks like this:

There are still many trainers, and it still lacks furniture, curtains and all the little details that change everything. I will come back as it becomes clearer, and I'm going to indulge in a "nursery tour" when everything is finished ...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What Do I Take For My Second Herpes Outbreak

Shut up and die bastard

back with (finally) a bit of novelty on this blog, but the novelty of the excluded (at least for the next 3-4hrs). That said it's easy to do when you're excluding yourself from the author in question excluded. That I managed to put 3 times the word "excluded" (4 now), I can finally tell you what it is.

It's actually a remix I did in the framework of a remix contest for Dead Cat Bounce (with A Girl and A Gun feat). For the story of the track, it's a sound they had out for free download on SoundCloud for Halloween 2010, but before the big hit sound, they decided to offer him an exit worthy of the name, so with this remix contest history to have 4 or 5 track to offer.

And here is my song, unfortunately I was not selected (however given the quality of the winner, I would not chose her for my final max). And so because the sound is not upheld, some now living his life remix unofficial and be shared freely. Hoping it will be as successful as we listen download (more than 10,000 plays in 15 days).

link to download:

For those who are not a fan of mediafire, you can also download it directly to my SoundCloud, but just listen to streaming:


How To Make A Cover For My Dinning Room Chairs

The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan (Volume 1)

Author: Robert Jordan - Translator: Arlette Rosenblaum
Publisher: Pocket (Shores for the 1st edition) - Published: 2005
ISBN: 9782266158237 - Price: 8.10 €

A About the author

Robert Jordan, whose real name James Oliver Rigney, Jr. is an author of fantasy. He began writing in 1977. Under other pen names, he also wrote historical novels (signed Reagan O'Neal) and westerns (signed Jackson O'Reilly). On March 23, 2006, he announced to be suffering from a rare, serious orphan disease, amyloidosis, he followed the treatment could leave him a life expectancy average of 4 years. But September 16, 2007, Robert Jordan was eventually won by the disease. His best known work is The Wheel of Time.


Aux-Deux-Rivières, late spring is about to be celebrated when the village is attacked, and when three young men from the village, Rand, Mat, and Perrin, learn that they are pursued by a black jumper. They must take refuge in the company of Tar'Valon Moiraine, the Aes Sedai.


My first reading of this novel dates back a good ten years. Obviously, in the meantime, I had ample time to forget things. But as the end of the series slowly approaches, and a common reading was given on Livraddict, I decided to get back!

The first striking thing in this novel is the density of information. In fact, you're not in a novel "easy", but in a book which requires concentration, to capture the information that the author gives you in droves. The second is the slow pace of the narrative. The author takes his time here, to describe what is happening, and even that does not happen. In other words, the man slowly put up his world.

is often called the Wheel of Time of a classic fantasy, and yet we can not really say that the characters are caricatures. The three main characters, boys, have one wish, return home as quickly as possible and return to their lives, marry girls, all that. And the daughter said, Egwene dreams of adventure. Surprising, is not it?

In this first book, Rand is actually quite mundane. A boy with great strength, who wants to learn to wield a sword, indeed. But that's all. Mat already attracts more attention in power to act without thinking all the time. While Perrin thinks too much before they act, calmness personified.

Nyaneve, Wisdom, is for me the most intriguing character. We do not know really, except his character, and one can only guess what his true intentions. The Aes Sedai Moiraine and Lan liege are also two mysterious figures, but I have not really touched it in this tome.

In Clearly, in my view, this tome serves more to introduce ourselves a piece of the universe and the characters than anything else. If you like sagas long, complicated, epic and fantasy, please.

Oh, and the flat end of the cutting ax is deplorable. The end of Volume 1 is not an end, shame!

The views of other participants that I invite you to visit:

Half Indian Half Italian

The misfortunes of Mille Plume, Jacqueline Wilson

Author: Jacqueline Wilson - Translator: Cecilia Dutheil de la Rochere
Publisher: Gallimard Jeunesse - Published: January 2011
ISB N: 9782070632510 - Price: 13.50 €

About the author

Jacqueline Wilson wrote her first book nine of 22 pages entitled "Meet the Maggots" who speaks of a family of 7 children. She first studied the secretariat then launches into journalism and publishing. At 19, she married William Millar Wilson. Two years later, she had a daughter named Emma. At age 24, she wrote her first novels aimed at pre-teens. All his books are illustrated by Nick Sharratt. She has won numerous awards including the "Children's Book Award in 2000 and 2003 and the prices Tam-Tam for Lulu Mouth Sewn . She now lives near London. In 2008 she was elevated to Dame of the British Empire.


Thousand Pen is a little girl abandoned by her mother at birth, and who will live in foster care, where she is happy. Unfortunately, at the age of five, she must return to the orphanage to receive a good education ...


London, 1876. Millie Feather is a small redheaded girl like the devil, that his mother was abandoned at birth. She was assigned to a family which is responsible for raising up his five-year, and go to the orphanage for her to receive a good education. It is out there to say goodbye to everything she has known before, to comply with strict rules, and most importantly, learn everything you need to be a servant as an adult.

Pleasant to read, this novel tackles the sensitive issue of abandonment and placement in foster care. Jacqueline Wilson succeeds very well to avoid making a sad story, because we chose to tell the story of little Millie, and has a joyful strong character. It is certainly not without flaws, but has its own dreams and is very endearing. It was also here a small glimpse into the life of a young girl in London in 1876. History to finish in style, the novel ends with a future and a reunion full of emotions.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Which Credit Bureau Does Gmac Use

Swap Magic Harry Potter's cock

I had written some time ago to swap organized by Merrick on Livraddict on Harry Potter! It was a swap as a duo, and I had the pleasure for swapping Gerry, who received his package prepared by me, you can see here !

Mine arrived this weekend, and let the pictures!

just opened the package while still packed inside!

And then out of the box! So there was the following books:

- Small praise of irony, Vincent Delecroix
- The Irresistible Rise Harry Potter
- Fantastic Beasts
- Secrets Druid
- Meeting with JK Rowling

Good readings and discoveries in perspective!

There was also caramels and candy that you see, because of burn-XD And I'll be pleased to discover these little mini-games (purple box)!

A big thank you Gerry!

Painting Scratched Car Interior Panels Black

Coco, Gerard Delbet

Author: Gerard Delbet

Publisher: Lakeshore - Release: 2010

ISBN: 9782352080371 - Price:

About the author

Delbet Gerard is a renowned teacher, unusual and disturbing. He made two collections of short stories: Rue du Soleil in 1999 and Solitude is always the most numerous in 3003. He also won many competitions news, especially in 2008, the Publishing's Edge Lot. Coco's cock is her first novel.

Back Cover

Children are beaten always agree with everything. It makes them sympathetic. And undetectable. They know how to take their troubles patiently. They take the bad with patience. They are waiting. Their life is regulated. When it's time for dirty quarters of an hour, they know that they must leave the waves heard. Do not remember. When you have finished pissing of fear, we cry, when you finish crying, it bleeds. One well-CHILD occupée.Là above, he left and it gave me a big hole in the existence of friendship.


Here we follow the Coco Bite growing child as he can in a family that offers him no love. They have called so because its body is only "normal". Yes, the boy has a clubfoot, a look that says shit to another, is very small.

What struck me from the beginning of reading, this is the way to transcribe the thoughts of a kid, so realistic. I really felt like having a child in front of me, talk to me. Coco Cock, he invented his own world, he races toothbrushes in the gutter, playing with the prostitute in his building.

Coco is also a child who strikes more or less violently, according to the wishes of his family. We also to do with a very pessimistic vision of National Education, since here, the master does not care a bit about this student, is not worried about his repeated absences, despite a shipment of one year in foster Home for abuse.

In the end I loved this book, even if the time stamps could be useful from time to time ^ ^ Thank you very much Babelio , and Publishing's Edge Lot for this partnership!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

My Dog Has Frequent Seizures

Operation Moo 2 "in the media

Operation Moo 2: Thursday, February 3, 2011
Click for details mosaic

The vast operation " Moo 2 " Paris-St-Lazare held on Thursday, February 3 at the arrival of four trains from Normandy between 7:55 ET 8:20 was a success both in terms of participation and mobilization 2000 users and elected officials on board these trains that many media who followed us during the trip and arrival symbolic and peaceful in the Court of Le Havre.

On behalf of the Assembly of Users Association of Paris-St-Lazare (AAU-PSL), and more particularly on behalf of your association Vernon Train of Life, we want to thank all the members of VTV and users who have been involved in transportation during this event! Congratulations, you're all fantastic, we know that you are not yet resigned and that we can count on you!

This operation was also a very successful media , even more than during the operation "Moo 1, 11 March 2010: we have indeed deliberately chosen to publicly announce the launch of Operation Moo 2 "from February 3, 2011 so that the media would not be caught unawares in the current context of national protest movement initiated by many users of the station. The result has exceeded our expectations because the event was covered by many media, whether local, regional and even national: A Democrat, Paris-Normandie, France 3 Haute-Normandie and Ile de France, Le Courrier d'Evreux, BFM TV, RTL, France Bleu Haute Normandie and Ile-de-France, Radio Crystal Radio Enghien, 20 Minutes, Metro ... This list is not exhaustive!

We would especially like to thank the team BFM TV who chose to "follow" the members of Vernon Lifestyles of the day before the operation and got his reports so faithful until the arrival of 7:25 train from 13,104 (with 10 minutes late ...) Paris-St Lazare.

For users who could not participate or just to those who would like to review the many images in media published and broadcast, here are some excerpts:

BFM TV : report to Paris St-Lazare

BFM TV: report on train 13104

France 3 Haute-Normandie : interview Didier Plateau Jaumet, President of VTV

France 3 Haute-Normandie JT 19h

France 3 Ile-de-France JT 19h

Paris-Normandie : report

Saturday, February 5, 2011

High Cervix Always Pregnancy?

SNCF will answer ...

You have demonstrated your strong mobilization during the protest action organized by associations of users of Vernon, Bueil, Bernay and Mantois February 3 last, and we thank you.
This action was overwhelmingly backed by local and national media. We prepare a report and a "news magazine" to be published shortly.

Meanwhile, management the station has sent two messages in response to our demands and our discontent.
The first in the form of a letter from the Director of Norman Lines, which speaks for itself so the arguments it contains are poor and out of step with the reality on the ground.
Here is the full text:

Madam, Gentlemen

In your email of 28 January 2011 you make me part of the "mobilization Users'
Parisians, Normans "following the conditions of carriage 2010.

First, I want to reaffirm our commitment to improving the quality of service and the daily work done in this direction.

Regarding regularity, as you mention in your letter, the end of 2010 has been impacted by social movements, but also and mainly by unusually snowy weather. In this specific context, all teams have worked daily so that all our clients are transported, sometimes under conditions that have been degraded, but at a time when all other modes of transport were paralyzed.
We indeed also other causes of irregularity identified, which are not related to exceptional situations. Some internal, which does not represent the majority of cases, which we have levers and other external improvements over many from the ill, the Personal Accident or infrastructure ... In regard to infrastructure, owned Reseau Ferre de France, work has been performed for two years and a timetable is being developed over the coming months and years without waiting for new facilities related to future rail projects. Indeed we wish above all things that work on existing or completed.
These works, you will understand, require time and investment will inevitably impact the regularity because we need to balance work on these lines operated and dense in Ile de France.

Finally, we have initiated with you a "cycle" of working meetings to develop shorter-term actions that are very focused on compositions of peak trains in particular, passenger information, on cleanliness and heating in some trains ... and it is now necessary that teams working on these trains identified so that improved service quality is visible.

With regard to financial measures, our organizing authorities lay down the conditions for compensation and contract our goals that give rise to claims bonus. But we'll talk when we met up on February 10, 2011 at 18:30.

Rest assured that the improvement of local transport for the SNCF is a major daily and fragile than the 12 lines that are now under "crisis of exceptional growth" is an example of short-term actions. This does in no way makes us forget our other lines. However we need to advance a true climate of calm and united so that work crews could wear) fruit and of course I count on your cooperation so we can move forward.

Please accept, Madam, Gentlemen, in my best consideration.


The second answer is this:

The tighter controls on board and "home boarding" in the station ... This was organized on February 4 in Vernon, ie the day after the protest action.

Branch SNCF ensures that these checks were planned a long time and have no direct relationship with the various movements of angry users. Whatever! Even if they were planned long ago, keep them in this context "agitated" and gradient is seen as a provocation by many travelers. This proves once again the low adaptation capacity of the station to its environment and the real situation experienced in the field by its staff and its customers ...
Exits to deploy human, we would much prefer that the station puts a priority on maintenance, preparation and movement of trains. It begins with restoring a quality service, it can then afford to control those who benefit massively!

For now, our claims do not appear have attracted the attention of the station. But users and associations continue to consolidate and organize to change that ...
We want to continue to be players in our transport!

More than ever we need your support .
Join or re-enroll to VTV!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Gpsphone Cheats No Computer

Pathways to Freedom

Director Peter Weir


Jim Sturgess: Janusz - Ed Harris: Mr. Smith
Saoirse Ronan: Irena - Colin Farrell: Valka
Mark Strong: Khabarov - Gustaf Skarsgard: Voss
Alexandru Potocean: Thomas - Sebastian Urzendowksy: Kazik

Plus d'infos
sur la page Allociné du film.


In 1940 a small group of prisoners decided to escape from a Siberian labor camp.
For these men from all walks of life, escape from this hell will be only the beginning of the adventure ...
Together they travel over 10,000 miles across the frozen Siberian tundra, crossing the plains of Mongolia , furnaces and Gobi desert peaks of the Himalayas to cross the Great Wall of China. Some
stop along the way, others will not survive the tests. India - then under British control - is the ultimate goal.


I went to see this movie without anything to know before , just saw the trailer a few weeks before. And I regretted not seeing it.

The 40s, we are in a world war, and Eastern Europe, communism reigns with Comrade Stalin at its head. And of course, if one disagrees with the regime that invades you, any charge later, you're in labor camp. That is the sad fate suffered Janusz, Mr Smith, Valka, Khabarov, Voss, Kazik, and Tomasz, our hero.

Siberian labor camp, unfortunately, is the vision that we can do it, governed by some prisoners, cold and cruel. From the beginning of the escape, taking it and moving, because we know very well that what they have undertaken is crazy and dangerous. The excitement is even greater in Irena's arrival, which we quickly understand that this is only a child, always engaging.

side story, so now we can say without saying too much either. Side players and games, nothing to say, I liked them all for me. When the landscape, they are simply beautiful, and pleasant to see. Clearly, a movie to go unless you do not like sad movies!