Friday, December 31, 2010

Sample For Death Anniversary Invitation

Outside dogs, infidels

Author: Maia Mazaurette - Illustrator: Jean-Sebastien Rossbach
Publisher: Folio (Mnémos) - Published: September 2010
ISBN: 9782070343249 - Price: 7.10 €

About the author

Born in 1978, Maia Mazaurette is a columnist and writer. At home in all genres, it was first released a self-fiction before writing a science fiction novel, Nothing we survive, then the Outside dogs, infidels. Also author of several guides, essays and cartoons, she regularly collaborates GQ magazine. She currently lives in Berlin.


We are 80 years after the fall of light. A great battle took place between the Darkness and the Light, and following this, the day gave way to an eternal night. The only chance of ever recovering the light of day? Quêteurs these groups, composed of five teenagers were sent to research the weapon of Gilead, the Morning Star ...


Early in the novel, it was more the impression of being a novel of quest, where our adventurers have a more or less glorious mission to accomplish, and it is actually somewhat true, since our dear friends must retrieve the Morning Star. It can also be a bit lost at startup, since apart from the fact that the light is gone, there is little information. These will happen gradually, and enrich all that.

The reader will however not take long to grasp that we are close to the Apocalypse, because according to religion, the arrival of darkness preceding the Last Judgement. And yes, make no mistake, you have your hands a book that will tell you about religion, racism, war and intolerance.

intolerance and racism, to the evolution of the race, this will keep Aryan purity. Between the camp of Darkness and Light, which is really the best? Hard to say.

In any case, side character, I want to tell you that I am not objective, puisqu'envers any reason, literally madly in Astasia, Confessor, and fanatical religious. And not a little. One to take you out without blinking that someone suspicious, he has the devil in him. And as someone who can take you out like this:

(Spérance ) - Those who can not comply with continence are beasts?
(Astasia) - Lust, Fourth Deadly Sin. But this is not the reason for my chastity.
Astasia pointed to the statue of the Crucified One, behind the altar.
(Astasia) - I have the Lord.

If you are not satisfied, I can not do anything for you.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Volleyball Spandex Camletoes

The figure of the year: 2355 .. The daily figure

The number of cumulative minutes late 2010 on the rotation that I take daily: Vernon / Paris - currently 13,106 - depart 7:42 / / Paris / Vernon - Train 3131 - 6:50 p.m. starting ... A

cumulative 39h15 behind made 389 trips ....!!

And I am not an exception since Nicolas, on rotation 6:11 / 18.50, has accumulated more than 36h30 late in 2010 ...

These figures are worrying ...! Except perhaps for the direction of the station which will, I think, the first surprise .. Because the station is a magical world ... where hours become "a moment" and that "delays undetermined" turn into "delays of 5 minutes" ..

You do not believe me? So look at these 2 screenshots that have been performed on the same day to a few minutes apart and find the error .. The
27/12, after a break in the catenary arch bridge, the traffic was very upset and consequent delays ...
For example, to train 850,044 - starting 8:11 Vernon, here is what was indicated in the departures board (source www.gares en

By clicking on the picture, you see the train is 850044 with a delay announced Undetermined .. ..
Yet anteater, a walk through the station and the mill becomes indefinite delay .. delay of 05 minutes ...! (Source

39h15 behind the year 2010, nothing in the world SNCF ... Not even sure it turns into thirty minutes could give me right at 4.60 euros in compensation. ... oh!

If figures provided by the SNCF in the framework of the agreement that binds to the region of Haute Normandie come from the same source and are as reliable, sure it will not have to pay penalties foreseen in case of delays and train cancellations.

What does 2011? We did not really anxious to know ....!!

Happy New Year to all ...

How Much To Get A Cyst Removed From My Dog

Start a book in the middle, is heresy?

This article is my reply to tag Ferocias , which itself responds to the question of the Heretic .

So much immediately differentiate different cases, or new and anthologies, novels, and essays.

News and anthologies : Why not? There is no requirement to follow the order of the book, and it even adds spice to the affair, like that you trust to chance to guide us!

Novels: Here the plot thickens. Heresy, the word may be strong, but to me it is actually unthinkable to start in the middle. Simply because a novel has a structure, we provide information in an order that is wanted. It seems more logical to follow it, rather than reading the middle and end of a book, and finished at the beginning ...
That said, being a teenager, I frequently fantasy series begun by the middle to the library, so good ... XD But hey, for a single volume, or the volume of a series, it seems more interesting to be guided by the work of the author and publisher ^ ^

Tests: So everyone does as he pleases. There Indeed in these works a wonderful tool called "summary" and saw that sometimes there is a chapter that interests us more than others, we may well read it before the others, especially as the reader will no problem with a plot nonexistent ^ ^

Vala, everyone does as he wants it! You can go see the opinions of Tigger Lilly and Gromovar ^ ^

Friday, December 24, 2010

Directions On Male Brazilian

Happy Christmas!

And now the time has come for you to wish you all a Happy Holiday end of the year, enjoy it!


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Is It Safe To Use Deodorant Spray

Merry Christmas!

Hi everyone. That is what will surely be the last post of 2010 on this blog (but will y'en other in 2011 eh). Yes, I know it was not always great at the top in terms of providing content, but it's free and you got the right to come here once per month, and ba is not complain either.

To finish the year in style, while your neighbors will be ruined by fireworks smuggling scare your cat (or your dog / rabbit / bird / red fish / shrimp domestic ...), I offer you what beauty prepare a sound response, and if you push out the sound, it's not their dog will be hiding under the table, but their children (and incidentally the parent and another brother-a little drunk too loud when he drank three beers).

Truce blah, that's the sound of bastard you've been waiting since the first volume:

And as is Christmas and I'm nice, that's the same mix but Soundcloud version, if you got too lazy to download / streaming you prefer. That said, you can also download via SoundCloud, it will do well in my stats:)

Additional info: for what is nothing planned for the new year , come take a turn for the unexpected (Route de l'Anse Vata - Shop Center Vata, down the building, a former Ouzo), I would have to play its platinum as in this mix, but also something else different then what the OS style, a sort of permanent slip Day:)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Projector 1024x768 800x600

: 1200

It is the number of additional composting Vernon station recorded the morning of Monday, October 12, 2009 during the establishment of a dam filter " muscled.

Indeed, while the sales department of the station records 300 Vernon composting an average day, about 1,500 composting were recorded during the monitoring operation, essentially "Vernon - Bonnières."

Nobody is fooled. When the quality of service disappears when the contempt of users is openly stated, fraud increases, undoubtedly. As punishment, rather than by chance?

However, although que nous le regrettons, il s'agit d'un véritable cercle vicieux : la SNCF enregistre ainsi moins de trafic "payant" entre Vernon et Paris et elle en conclue que la fréquentation de la gare de Vernon diminue. Less turnover, less traffic, fewer trains ...

At the end of 2010, the SNCF may be chosen to apply this rule for us "move" essentially in trains TER 2N NG simple. I dare believe it.

We're at an impasse.

Meter Stick And Clip Art

What excuse this time?

Tonight we have yet experienced serious delays from Paris St-Lazare, about 15 minutes on average in the direction of Rouen, 30 minutes towards Evreux. Yet Snow is not announced yet fallen on Normandy and Ile de France, all signals are green. Well no.

The cause appears to be related to a train that struck shortly after Evreux 17h Bréval to an animal, so after Mantes-la-Jolie. No luck, but then how to explain the disturbances on all trains to Le Havre and Rouen? Trains were stopped before they Bréval stored at Mantes, thereby preventing the movement of the other line Normandy? Yet, the crux of Mantes is more than enough to accommodate all trains.


Oh yes I forgot, and after I could see

18h25: TER 2N NG simple (shielded)
18.30 TER 2N NG simple (shielded)
18h50: TER 2N NG simple (channel 19, a busy, but acceptable)
6:53 p.m.: TER 2N NG simple (channel 26, could not see in detail)

But where are the V2N and Corals?

Shawn Smith Suffering Tab

Snow: The prefecture of Ile-de-France recommends companies to release their employees to 16h

Orange Alert on IDF from 19pm on the Eure tonight Get out the socks and mittens!
The snow comes ...
Go early if you can!
Good luck to all.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Balsa Wood Bridge Project Blueprint

The daily figure: 500 million

This is the amount in euro that will save the station in 2011 to offset some of debt of € 9 billion: a restriction plan € 4 billion will be made by 2015. For details, see the section of Echoes .

Of course this will result in reductions in future personal and reduced maintenance: so plan new strikes and a worsening of equipment malfunctions, especially in bad weather and falling leaves or wild herds boars on the tracks.

But today, this means more specifically the abolition of the post of cashier at the station in Vernon and a reduction in the amplitude of the public opening hours. By cons, if there is one thing that will not diminish, it is the freight rates and subscriptions.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Wiring Diagram Outdoor Security Light

You resume a bit? The ice

extract Infolignes , the forecast for this railway Tuesday, December 21:

Note that tomorrow, Tuesday, December 21 , trains Intercity lines Paris / Caen / Cherbourg , Paris / Rouen Le Havre and Paris / Granville run at reduced speed due to weather conditions.

Translation: so plan a few tens of minutes behind PSL and certainly cuts accompanied TER trains 2NNG U.S. to train (single). As usual anything ....

Sharp Pains 39 Weeks Lower Pelvis

to PSL? The daily figure

we dreaming, or rather nightmares: trains from Paris St-Lazare tonight have all suffered major delays in docking, especially between 18h and 19h, the main points to Normandy . While in Vernon thawing takes place at high speed, it appears that PSL is taken in a pack of nonsense and lack of means: where are the maintenance workers in the "Techno-Centre of Batignoles? On forced leave like last year?


stay home tomorrow. It's dreadful.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Preparation H And Lose Inches

: 4.60

€ 4.60 is the amount you repaid in " voucher " when you are delayed due to the station over 30 minutes on a line Intercités, under engagement 'Hours Guaranteed.

few notes:

- Such compensation is valid whatever the length of the path even below 100 km on the lines "classic". The lower limit of 100 km is only valid on the TGV. Vernon trips / Paris and Vernon / Rouen are quite eligible contrary to what many travelers think!

- The compensation covers only Intercity trains (IC) , no ESTs, and even less Transilien. To remember and because supply shopping district on Vernon is very blurred, just remember that all trains whose number starts with 13xxxx or 3xxx CIs are eligible for compensation. In the morning, so forget trains 7:11, 7:29, 8:11 ET evening 4:53 p.m., 5:33 p.m., 6:33 p.m. 5:53 p.m. ET by example ...

- The sum of 4.60 € is flat on an entire trip from Paris - Vernon - Rouen - Le Havre and was not blurry since the changeover to the euro in 2002 because it corresponds to 30F of the time ... VTV request regular updating of such compensation.

- Finally, these travel vouchers can adjust everything (!) Or part of your monthly subscription Vernon / Harbour Town. Know that for my part, their sum is almost 100 € a year, which is far from negligible.

- Good recovered late arrival of the journey can be sent immediately in the envelope together photocopies of your subscription, your monthly fee, proof of purchase and your card Navigo. Personally, that's what I'm doing for years: customer service SNCF is very familiar with the situation on our line and accept photocopies especially when the originals are retained by employers as proof for transportation costs. You just indicate on the photocopy honesty and politeness.

- Specific provisions on more substantial delays (1 hour and up) are now possible, we'll keep you posted.

I invite all users of the station to Vernon use their right to compensation , and only legal way to punish financially SNCF when the service is not or no longer made. And then you see that particular removing the right of delays in the Vernon station, most agents are at your service because they also suffer the consequences of fractalisation SNCF.

course we would all like to purchase delays do not exist. Personally, I stopped believing in Father Christmas for over 35 years ... Merry Christmas anyway.

Game Were U Can Get Prenant

break pee 10mn Vernon


Haute Normandie Region has done well to have the manufacturers of railway equipment. After the snow or rain seeps through the joints of VO2N renovated, heating nonexistent TER 2N NG, toilets are to speak of them again :

this morning at the Vernon station, the 1 / 2 ream (yet) TER 2N NG which was in the station (to Paris) scored off a very extended to enable users to go relieve themselves in the Single Station toilet Vernon (or behind a bush!), because they were convicted of the train due to cold (as usual)!

And yes, in 2010, there is no toilet in the winter mainline trains ... as heat which is not terrible, often missing the light (neon HS) 220v outlets that do not work, the seats uncomfortable, the sounds of incessant cabin, overload due to not train composition always consistent and delays related to external causes (by station) ...

We arrive at the end of the year, and this is the first time I tell myself that we go straight into the wall . So far, I thought we were going through difficult but that the future would be better. Today, despite the dozens of meetings between VTV, the SNCF and the region, the service is worse than yesterday. And it's not over, we just learned that a teller station was to be abolished in February at the Vernon station. All this is incomprehensible. Ms. Le Hire (Intercity director) said to us that the station is doing everything possible to return to a normal situation, users see every day that this is not true and the contrary SNCF does everything to divert the train passengers.

However, you can count on VTV to protect users in 2011 and beyond, but we also need you all!

Enjoy the holidays because the recovery will be difficult!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Normal Love Making Po


Those who know me know love unconditional love for comic books - I love sharing, to some extent. I have no account with my name in Millennium and I do not read religiously, every Wednesday, my weekly harvest, but I dip into his own, and it often makes me discover the beautiful business.

There was Fables, Y and some others, but right now, I discover a truly magnificent series whose concept is as surprising and interesting: Daytripper .

The problem is that you unveiled the famous concept, I'll spoil all the fun of reading, at least for the first two numbers (you will quickly, then, to understand where it all goes away). Let's just say that this series is going to Brazil (which will perhaps interest Miss Do?), The main character is the obituaries editor and writer, he has some unresolved conflicts with his father, and that it all becomes secondary when describing the series as soon as we reached the end of the first issue.

The authors take us squarely the carpet underfoot, leaving us all breathless, floating in limbo, and vaguely suspicious. This state will not last long, since the entire series has already been published and can immediately rush to the next to try to clarify the situation. But still, it's worth it, especially since the pictures are gorgeous, the characters are interesting and the story is well told with a poetic tone a bit, but not much.

A little sunshine in a comic for the darkening autumn.

ADDITION: I just discovered that the 10 numbers that make up the series released in paperback, so in one volume, February 8, 2011. Buying a who really worth the trouble, especially that price! Damage whatsoever after Christmas ...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Clever Things To Say On Your Voicemail

Time flies when you're having fun

I told you there not long ago, my fears of an apprentice conductor. Well now, I got my license yesterday. I would not say that my technique is perfect, but obviously I'm doing well enough to have the right to crack down on the roads.

I spoke shortly after, I discovered that my students only. Well now, we still have a little less than two weeks before leaving, I am trying to prepare their final exam.

Yes, really, time flies. Meanwhile, I managed to write a new version of the novel for Mr. the publisher. Tighten here extend this, add a little of this and cut a little of that. And I had fun. Much. If all goes well, you should see him after the coverage in the spring, and at worst in the summer.

Just in time for the holidays - those moments that spin so fast, because we have fun.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Cheap Brazilian Wax In Singapore

Reveillage death

On 1 November, a day dedicated to the missing, that's what they wake up so they too can also have fun ... That's good, it was just introducing the trick, now are talking about, let her.

is the fourth volume (in Roman numerals it's more class I think ...) my series of trash, if you do not have the old volume, back in time in the blog it must not be very far (since we not post a lot). The program for this part of the heavy, fat, saturated, big sound that spot and that is a full side.

But enough blabla, you wait for the link, here is this:

And since I know y 'is not having download SoundCloud this version with the little reader that you can do play without downloading:

DTED - Trash Session IV by DTED

Friday, October 22, 2010

Ejaculation During Braziliian Wax

In war as in war

I hesitate to tell you about them.

We barely knows, but already we have a little story, little habits, foibles.

At first it's like the first dating. It goes to his advantage, you try to guess each other, come to see their reactions, to test its limits. We are trying to destabilize each other, to laugh, each for very different reasons. And then, quietly, one begins to reveal its flaws, fears, and then we learn to trust and we settled into a routine. We develop a way of being together. We will cross again

deserts all, stages of enthusiasm and discouragement of others, and finally, we'll leave happy or bitter, depending. And we do will ever really approached.

I do my best to give them as much as possible. They do their best to get it. But fuck me they take the juice. With me, they are nice - it after learning that they have. Every element, every rule, every method, every reference work, everything must be justified to spend a hundred times their barriers, their distrust. They look for flaws in everything, they will not know before and they fiercely want to linguists. Even the tricks to make their lives seem to be there to defy them, threatening them with his finger ready to put their sticks in the wheels.

45 hours to force their resistance, hoping that a little content to make his way. Like love, like war, education is often a conquest.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Whats A Good Safe Household Lubercant

is forging ...

Me and the car, we're not great friends. I'm rather looking out the window as you drive. Anyway, I decided to finally move my license this year (at age 25!) Because I started to tell me that it would be practical, but for now, I do not like that much.

Well, I was only 3 over an hour, and I am now making very good parallel parking (this I am quite proud), but frankly, I do not feel so well with this big deal hands. It should be on the lookout for everything, and I'm rather head-in-air, unable to concentrate on several cases simultaneously. Rationally, I know very well what I should do, but at the time of applying, it is less easy ...

importantly, I miss opportunities to drive, which certainly does not help me to gain confidence.

In short, I love it when something I resisted, so far, I like to drive, and I start to tell me (although I know it's defeatist) that I shall never succeed in love it and especially to be really good.

And you, that was how learning?

Sunday, October 3, 2010

To Kill A Mockingbird Slang Phrases

The Return of the Revenge

Hi all ("all" means the 2 readers of this blog), here is enough to fill your ears for a while, just to have a bone to chew on while waiting next shipment of meat. Because yes, when there is nothing to post on this blog is that we are in the midst of creation and that therefore he must be patient.

So to make your patient more comfortable, this is a little special electro set, simply entitled "Electro Session 2", yes we change a winning series ... Program of electro (haha ... no kidding) from Wolfgang Gartner Felix Cartal through Pendulum or Fukkk Offf to name the best known. But very blabla, here is the link:

Good listening and see you soon:)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Major Labia Minora Tear During Delivery

Small Kanak available for sale online mix

This is the first album Ybal Khan out this month in New Caledonia, and finally available to the virtual sale. Choose your preferred supplier (prices are more or less all the same normally). Some are perhaps not yet available but it would be soon.

On this album you will find then the 100% Ybal in top form, with participation unexpected like Astro or Doshkilla each sang a chorus, we find also DTED (aka me) for a combination with former on a title and Holsh and his group for a title filled with soul, which really stands out from the rest of the album. At the prod

found so the usual DTED, and Raz'Mukett Holsh for a title and for his duet with MC. Recorded and mixed in the studio Keskiya Prod, this album was mastered by a legend of French rap, namely Logilo (who worked with Puzzle, Sage Po, Lorea, Koma for ... name a few). The cover is by Jean-Marc Estin.

Bubble Eyed Fish Eye Is Bloodshot

It's autumn ...

... we enter the plants.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

How To Hack My Sidekick Sim Card

Half and half Prod. Let me free

ADE 2010 Let's Mix competition from DJSE at

ADE 2010 Let's Mix Competition from DTED Has .

Hello, this is a small mix of 10 tracks just to get some new content on this blog. This is a little set I did for a contest on Let's Mix, so if more to listen you can put a little vote (if possible 5 star), it would be nice urban from you:)

In terms of selection, it oscillates between Dutch house, electro and fidget (even a bit on the progressive end ...). I did drag some of my prod (the principle of this contest actually) interspersed with sound Diplo, Boys Noize or Sidney Samson.

At my prod, I esseyer choose the best of the recent, and for those who follow more or less what I do, you'll even have the right to a unique (a remix of IllStm feat. AGAG).

So, feel free to share, to comment (here or on Let's mix directly if you are registered).

Good listening and thank you for the support:)

(if the player does not display correctly, go directly to this address )

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sample Counter Offer Letter To Insurer

A video that your suburb is heroin

Have you listened The Suburbs? Otherwise, go ahead and come back after reading this message. If yes, your fun is not over. You still have something to learn, and it is here .

Few words to describe this interactive video, which transforms the concept of the video in an intimate experience and nostalgic revisits the places where we grew up. You type the address of your childhood home and you let the code do the rest. I do not tell you more, go try it. It's worth it.

Simi Garewal Changing Clothes In Mera Naam Joker

The difficulty of the marathon

It's back and, for the first time in 20 years, I will not follow the course. I thought it would make me a shock, but no. On the one hand, it makes me euphoric. That leaves the door open to a lot of possibilities to travel last minute to schedule upheaval.

On the other hand, for the first time in my life, I understand something Vincent had said on entering the college: the lack of routine and structure is not necessarily good for creativity or efficiency. Finally, it was something like that. When I myself entering college, I had not realized I needed to leave the 9-4 high school, I liked the flexibility that allowed me the time college students. Bacc same thing, and especially during my summers working autonomously, where the structure was minimal (but where the schedule was produced by someone else). But here, no structure except the one I decided by myself, it's different.

I'm not a marathoner, I am a sprinter. When my deadline is in one year, as I become less productive.

Advice, anyone?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How To Fix The Freeze On Pokemon Heart Gold

to stand up to its director

Sometimes, with all due respect I have for her and her work, I feel it suggests to me the books just because the title seems to stick with my memory.

I just opened Writing restorative Simon Harel, a work which, apparently, is quite relevant to my search: I work on pieces where the narrative ritual acts such as repair or restoration of the community. So I was quite willing to read and fill full of small cards reading in FileMaker, until I dive in and I read this: "The act creator would be a matter of oscillation, the search for a fullness associated with the pursuit of maternal dedicatee.

The "maternal dedicatee? Uh, because I do a memory sociocriticism here ?

I closed the book, I was angry.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Games Online You Get Pregnant

Hi all, here is a little new to put you in the tooth. For those who follow the news in New Caledonia music, especially hip hop news, you're probably aware that Ybal Khan is about to release his first album, scheduled for August 24 2010 (after delayed several times, this date seems pretty ready sure, some day ...). READY

To make us wait, we offer an exclusive track from his album, namely the title "Let Me Free" featuring with Doshkilla (the most curious of you have heard on his myspace ) will be the first "single" official album.

But as a title is a bit lightweight, and it is quite generous in Keskiya Prod several remixers were asked to bring their own touch to single, which ultimately becomes a real EP, with no less of 5 different remixes, and 3 instrumental versions (including the original instrument). The cast, there is therefore January Bess brings a vibe rather progressive trend house, Tarmak drum'n'bass with his touch, K'Sir that recasts the accapella on an instrument much fat in the American 11Fletcher revisiting the sound in a more subdued ambience and DTED (aka me) who s'autoremix electro version.

So what your patience before the official release of the album. Feel free to rotate, it's free, so should enjoy. For the link, once will not hurt, it was the right to 3 different hosts:

Ybal Khan - Let Me Free EP:
megaupload link rapidshare link



Irregular Heartbeat Clipart


(photo credit: Benjy Estrade)

It brews good business these days , both personal and business professional, academic and creative. Small and large projects, step forward, jumps into the void.

I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Can Chickenpox Make Women Sterile

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

It comes out today. I can not wait. So I made myself an avatar.

is a Canadian comic book in 6 volumes that mixes a love story in the tradition of quality movies of teens (kind Juno - just Michael Cera plays Scott Pilgrim) and geekness pure, full of grim references to video games vintage and indie music, and is adapted to film. It was sold out Fantasia. I can not wait, I tell you, I can not wait!

The trailer is here .

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wedding Favor Sparklers Sayings


(or small beach ball, or the little circle that spins, or the loading bar)

They spoke to AM, Radio-Canada, this morning (that issue, moreover, has a knack for getting me out of my hinges - I may come back). It seems that this syndrome affects a majority of Canadian students - dixit a marketing campaign for Intel - and there is a severe stress and frustration when the little hourglass icon indicating that it or to wait while our computer is working hard, appears on the screen. As I spend literally my life before mine, it happens fairly frequently, especially with the Internet in fact (because my beautiful MacBook Pro, He never slows down!). on, for example. Or when a page decides to take 50 years to appear because I'm really far from the router or that too many downloads are at the same time. For

not mad (and not compulsively reset the router), I ended up developing stuff. These days, when I want to throw my computer out the window, listen to the mash-up of ukulele Somewhere over the rainbow and It's a wonderful world by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole . Nothing could be more soothing. As it is a very big man not beautiful, I suggest, for the video version of Glee (without It's a wonderful world ). By the way, is what I told you about Glee ? This show is phenomenal, really.

And you, what's your thing cons syndrome hourglass?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

What Happens Is A Hernia Ruptures

progressive house EP in July 2010

progressive house from July 2010 :

The progressive house mix July, sensory and hypnotic, open your chakras:)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

How Often Should You Get Brazilian

hourglass is gone.

(because sometimes, in life, it takes out the sharpie designed to motivate a little)

Well, go hop, now I am a creative project very exciting for me to see new things (and survive) during the next year.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sore Breasts After Rupture Cyst

The house mix of jully

The house mix is from July By that zamis (and others)

The house mix of jully