Monday, January 31, 2011

Catchy Florida Gator Sayings

How deceiving his guilt (or, to be truly effective)

Last Friday, La Presse published a dossier on procrastination. I took the opportunity Saturday to read in full before (instead) to complete a paper for my students (yes, students: only girls in my group!). I recognized, even if it does not absolutely helped me find stuff. Fortunately, in recent years, I developed by myself.

As a student in writing of memory, occasional self-employed, college teacher and part time writer on Sunday, I spend a lot (lots and lots) of time at home with work to do and deadlines more or less fuzzy. To survive, he had I find solutions. I offer you, even if they are not always effective, and I'm yours ...

# 1: Selfcontrol
My latest find, the most effective of all: the application Selfcontrol, which creates a black list of websites to block or, better, a whitelist of sites release during a specified period. And attention, once the meter is gone, no way to change their minds, even restarting the computer: it was not until that time has elapsed. For the desperate, and for Mac only.

# 2: work elsewhere
Personally, I have a soft spot for the third floor of the BAnQ. Even if the Internet connection is always available, no other distractions (phone, coffee machine, dirty dishes) and the climate of calm and absolute concentration are quite effective. Unfortunately, for some time, it gets a bit complicated because my daughter loves all his likely build (lean) weight on my bladder, which increases my return trips to the bathroom ...

# 3: procrastination productive
It is a form of procrastination, because even if is more productive than reading manga on the internet, it does not help the memory to be written faster. It is to replace the unproductive procrastination by the household (the dishes, laundry), kitchen (Spagh sauce, soup, banana bread), exercise (c'mon, just a few squats before I put the work!) or all sorts of little things absolutely necessary but not urgent (writing a text for the wedding of a friend, be a hook, take steps to subscribe to Communauto). It has the advantage of avoiding the guilt that comes with procrastination, and it's even better if you use a professional task easy but necessary (edit a document on the agreement of past participle) to repel a difficult task (writing a chapter from memory).

# 4: Get off my desk in the basement
Well, this is not given to everyone living on two floors, but the mere fact of having to cross the sub- ground and climb the stairs to the kitchen (my favorite place of procrastination) is enough to dissuade me. I keep the same provisions permanently in my office (well hidden in my Tardis Cookie Jar ) to avoid interrupting me to get a snack.

# 5: getting pregnant
side procrastination, it has its good and less good, admittedly. The disadvantage is that it gives me a whole series of books and websites to read (I can not count the time spent on Babble) and things to think about (choose the colors of the room, a shopping strollers online ), but the advantage is that this is probably due to the more compelling in my life. So I started counting backwards to motivate me to be more effective, even if it's still rough. I still have 18 weeks to complete a version satisfactory from my memory and my novel.

# 6: View a timeline on the wall
For distant or vague deadlines, it brings some reality to the whole affair ...

You have others, the worst or best? I want to read.

Direct Sales Party Invitation Wording

Thursday, February 3: Operation Moo 2 "!

Discontent legitimate users of the Vernon station is still valid despite the promises of no future SNCF. The strike continued for the submission of subscriptions but it is time for you to express your anger openly and massively.
media success of the operation "Moo!" 11 March 2010 when Vernon lifestyle and other associations of the line were able to mobilize nearly 1,000 passenger train at 7:11 ET cows wear masks symbolic lowering of the train, we call this year all the association members and users to participate again in a major operation like Thursday, February 3 on the train to 13104 from 7:25 Vernon.

Paper press download.

Our placards and leaflets:
Hundreds of individual signs which are inscribed various slogans will indeed be distributed to users of this train, with other surprises during the trip to Paris-St Lazare. Users will then be invited to bring the highest possible to exit the train 13104 to express their anger peacefully . To enhance the expression of this anger, users are asked to leave the station Paris-St-Lazare by exceptionally red output to the Court of Le Havre (opposite the dock Outline, sculpture side of "Clocks" near the FNAC), where media will be present to relay your symbolic action.

This is not a static protest: users express themselves by wearing these placards in the raid and being silent on the output of the Court of Le Havre, before dispersing to reach their destination .

You will not be alone in this operation since the 2011 edition of the transaction "Moo!" bring together in new ways elected officials and more than 2000 users of 4 trains from Normandy on the axes Rouen - Paris and Caen - Paris!

general mobilization is given to all users of these lines "sick" because of too many delays and train cancellations, loss of quality at a rate higher and higher. These symbolic 4 trains converge on Paris St-Lazare between 8:20 7:55 ET, then we can express our displeasure in a very visible and peacefully outside the station management and the media. Conversely

Last year, Vernon Train of Life and other associations involved in this major operation chose to make the massive public: the challenge to train users of the "daily " is very high profile now. It is for us a wonderful opportunity to express our demands :

  1. COMPENSATION 50% of the subscription for the months of February and March.
  2. FREEZE RATES subscriptions in 2011 (without distinction between Transilien intercity Corail and TER).
  3. NEW BENEFITS FOR DELAY BY BEARINGS : € 6 for delays exceeding 30 minutes, 3 € for delays between 10 and 30 minutes. Delays attributable to the operator station must be punished to encourage him to make them disappear!
  4. A JOINT ACTION PLAN AND THE SNCF RFF , measured by subscribers and the Region Haute-Normandie, to find solutions to recurring problems of our line, sanctioned by FINANCIAL PENALTIES!

Vernon Train of Life is preparing for this major operation peaceful and highly publicized for several weeks: we need your using this Thursday, February 3 to distribute aboard the 7:25 train kit "anger" users. Feel free to contact us as soon as possible if you want to help us in this heavy logistics!

In many hoping you and mobilized on the train of 13 104 7:25 on Thursday 3 February, we wish you to be involved in your transportation.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

When Do Guys Stop Getting Boners

Cleer, LL Kloetzer

Authors: LL Kloetzer - Illustrator: Daylon
Publisher: Denoël - Published: September 2010 ISBN
: 9782207109427 - Price: 23 €

About Author

engineer, consultant and doctor of psychology, LL
Kloetzer was born in the mid 70s and works for a multinational. Having written three fantasy novels noticed (including The United wounded Denoël 2006), he decided to concentrate on serious subjects: money, work and coaching. Cleer is impossible transcript of his personal experiences and spiritual.


Cleer is not just a company's design A very special idea. Charlotte and Vinh have just been hired as consultants for the subsidiaries of troubled Cleer. They are the ones that called a last resort to resolve problems, put everything in order, all without a trace. They represent internal cohesion.


Actually, before starting this book, I Having spent several criticisms above, some positive, some not, I also read and loved The Kingdom wounded, discussed with the author met with Utopiales of his new novel. Suffice to say that I went with some a priori, not knowing what to expect, especially as some spoke of new, more novel.

In fact, we follow throughout the book the same two characters, Charlotte, and Vinh, but the novel is divided into "mission" that are our heroes, which can give the impression of which are not new. Charlotte is a rather ordinary young woman ready to do its work, a little too sensitive, especially a little lost over the novel. Instead, Vinh is rather unpleasant, appears rather manipulative, and a bit cartoonish at the edges. For some, the young woman is also a caricature, for me, the explanation is satisfactory in the book ^ ^

But the surprise was really rather not see at once science fiction and fantasy in this book. Indeed, for much of the novel, I certainly understand that technological advancement was much more advanced, but otherwise I felt like staying on business missions. The magic that happens then I blow the surprise, or maybe I've missed the hidden clues before ^ ^

Because of the concept is a novel that prompted me to reflect on the world of work, design it may be. But the end is a bit spoiled for me by misunderstanding. There are certainly some of the explanations that escapes me, but there it is ^ ^

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I Have Reason 3.0 Files But It Needs A Disk

The strike is growing! VERNON

The protest movement launched by the Great West (Paris - Tours / Paris - Le Mans) is growing : associations of users of Normandy and Burgundy are the current responses of same Vernon manner and Train of Life can only congratulate and encourage users of these lines "sick"!

All these associations are calling for financial compensation after a catastrophic year 2010 in terms of regularity, comfort and prices still rising.

To lend your support to these associations are mobilizing to defend their users, often to the detriment of their family life and work, volunteer, I can only advise you to visit their websites: leave their comments, write them, they are not alone, we are not alone!

collage and Unranked:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lic Money Plus Sell ?

joined strikers

Our association is calling on its members and all passengers Line Vernon-Rouen-Paris in particular and all lines Norman to join this movement to force the station and all stakeholders (RFF - State - Regions) to recognize the plight of rail transportation out TGV.
Despite the 400 million euros invested by the Region Haute Normandie to renovate or replace the rolling stock, despite the introduction of timing sold as a solution to all our problems, despite the involvement of user associations and despite promises constantly renewed by the SNCF, the situation continues to worse: delays, docking late, failures, hardware problems, lack of space, no heating or toilets on board, lack of information, etc ... are daily
Meanwhile The direction of the station, out of step with reality all of its field staff and customers, continues to self-congratulate and to convince themselves that everything goes well, the same regularity is in progress on the Paris-Vernon-Rouen-Le Havre! And the rates continue to rise!


We have 6 claims:
  1. A compensation (50% reduction packages made between February 1 and March 31, 2011) owing to poor transport conditions that we experienced from October to January 2010.
  2. The upgrading of compensation for delays than 30 minutes
  3. New compensation for delays between 10 and 30 minutes : to force be unmarked, they become daily!
  4. The subscription rates freeze in 2011 and as users do not see a service improvement based on measurable criteria.
  5. The addition of the Paris-Rouen to the list of lines "sick" and priority.
  6. A concrete plan of action and real SNCF, RFF, Regions and State. A real emergency plan that is not a series of "scoops " must be implemented without waiting for projects to 20 years! The plan shall be punishable by financial penalties the benefit of users.
You have probably heard on the radio, seen on television or read in newspapers, a real national movement is taking place: users SNCF express their displeasure by refusing to submit to the operations of checking tickets!
Vernon Train of Life invites its members and all users of the Paris-Rouen to join this movement
from today until Friday, February 4 included.
WARNING: not present his ticket does not mean, of course, does not possess. Everyone must be in possession of a valid ticket but in case of control, simply fill in a courteous and polite to the controller that you are part of the strikers users who wish to express their displeasure!
Team up, hold up, express yourself!
And do not forget that many controllers are aware of the situation also for everyday living. They may be our best allies ... However if an officer refuses any dialogue and will not listen or understand, insist-not ...!
The dummy package to present to officers on board.

Feel free to download, print and distribute the same leaflets that operation:

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How To Be A Cat On Oovoo

Lubrique Lizard of Melancholy Cove, Christopher Moore

Author: Christopher Moore - Translator: Luc Baranger
Publisher: Gallimard - Publication date: August 2006
IBS N: 9782070338863 - Price: 8.40 €

About the author

Christopher Moore born in 1957, left school at sixteen to follow up experiments. He studied alongside
anthropology, photography, loves the ocean, emissions and animal lives lost in a fortress on an island inaccessible Pacific. The lustful lizard of Melancholy Cove is his second novel, after A coyote blues, published in Folio Policier.


Melancholy Cove is a seaside resort all there is more normal, except for its inhabitants. A cop to be very unhappy, a former actress series, a blues player, or a pharmacist obsessed with dolphins, that's all what is there right now! Strange, no?


The first question one might legitimately ask is "what does this book as a policeman? " Indeed, if you are looking for a nice investigation full of twists, you can already stop here, none of that here!

As you saw in the brief summary, the inhabitants of Melancholy Cove is no longer strange, and completely crazy. For it is what we have to expect when opening this book, a story that changes regularly point of view, to give us each a point of view totally crazy about what happens ^ ^

Molly, old schizophrenic actress is very endearing, and both completely crazy ^ ^ Anime stories just like that crazy laugh, go ahead without hesitation!

Lu with the Circle Atuan!

How Many Calories Are In A Bbq Sandwich

the wishes of the Upper Normandy region: between rant, bitterness and powerlessness? Delays

To start the year, the President of our Region Alain Le Vern, had once again tearing their hair on the thorny issue of rail transport. Indeed
how not to get white hair when despite a major investment in hardware, nothing will, and even worse is nothing seems to get better for travelers Norman? Here

mail addressed to Guillaume Pepy early January :

E xtract press kit handed out at the wishes of the President to the press on matters railway
"Supporting users daily
Distribution of leaflets, distributing questionnaires ... satisfaction, more and more users are organizing to express their dissatisfaction over the conditions of transport on routes to Paris. They denounce regular delays, malfunctions in the operation of trains and bemoan a lack of information.
"The regional passenger transport are now among the major powers of our community. In this area, we set three priorities: improving service roads, modernize rolling stock, and offer users simple and attractive rates. In the first quarter of 2011, all trains high-Norman will be new or renovated with an investment of over € 400 million of the Region ", recalls Alain Le Vern, President of the Haute-Normandie.
Despite the Region's investment in the trains running between Havre and Paris, remember it goes beyond the strict competence of the regional community, many problems persist in this line became obsolete and saturated.
While we welcome the work of the commission Duport advancing at a good rate, especially by withholding priorities advocated long ago by our community (establishment of a new railway station at Rouen, bottlenecking Mantois ...), the concrete expression on the ground will not see the day for several years. The concern reaffirmed the Region is primarily to satisfy the daily users by responding promptly their legitimate expectations.
Unfortunately, the station does not appear to have now means of its ambitions. The national operator highlights the winter weather conditions to explain many current problems, but this argument only reinforces the sense of disarray among users. " regular use, I personally observed a significant deterioration in conditions of transport in recent weeks. Particularly given the unprecedented commitment of the Region, I can accept that it endures without the operator from reacting bonds "says Alain Le Vern.
Faced with this situation, the President of the Region wrote to Guillaume Pepy, SNCF President in order that measures be implemented as soon as possible to improve the conditions of transport users. The provision of the SNCF must be equal to the investments made by the Region " to a level of production that meets the needs of travelers.
Alain Le Vern asks the state, largest shareholder of the SNCF, to take its responsibilities and allow the company National exercise its public service mission in the best conditions. "


At this stage, we can really doubt the powers of our region on the monster SNCF / RFF.
And when we know that the only response of the SNCF strike against the subscriber B is to return them ... to the regions, there is something out of patience!

You will notice however that the tone changes.
Moreover, Mr. Le Vern recently attended the wishes of the City of Vernon taking a long speech on the subject ! If we remember the beginnings of the association end 2008 ... What progress! By dint of patience and perseverance of the members of VTV Station and Vernon come back into the regional rail map ! See the positive side of this event ... if not better.

No doubt it is for us to make things happen. The trend is taking media power users themselves! So let's go!
continued ... very soon ...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Tmobile Sidekick Hacked Sim Card


Management Intercity Lines Norman just send us the check-up of the Paris - Vernon - Rouen - Le Havre for the month December. Rest assured, the patient is doing well because the station can display a punctuality rate of 84.8% peak hour ! All is well!

How such a manipulation of numbers is it possible? Therapy station is very simple:

- Neutralize 18 days where it circulates poorly
- Ignore delays less than 10 minutes at the terminus

And presto! 84.8%, bravo! The box is green, you can send your dashboard Guillaume Pepy.

Let the masquerade, the figures doctored!

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Claim: before the contagion ...

€ 200 Compensation for subscribers TGV, the gel increases for this year and other advances we will soon detail: a victory or a pretty pirouette SNCF to calm things down?

However, subscribers who we are, a line supposedly healthy, and it is a certainty, quite profitable, demand that the station recognizes the 4 months of absolute galley we have experienced.
degradation continues from year to year and seems inexorable.
Before taking a position on the sequence of events, VTV has formally requested Bonnepart Roland (Director of Regions Paris Saint Lazare High Normandy and Lower Normandy) for recognition of the plight suffered by users of our line.

This is just the beginning!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Removing License Hologram

The silent hours, Gaëlle

Author: Josse Gaëlle
Ed itor: Other - Published: January 2011
ISBN: 9782746715011 - Price: 13 €

About the author

Gaëlle Josse lives near Paris.
author of several collections of poetry, she signed her here first novel.


Magdalena is the wife of Pieter van Bayeren, director of the Company East Indies in Delft. She tells us about her life as wife and homemaker, confiding all her heart.


Both say right away, this novel is rather sad. It depicts the life indeed Magdalena van Bayeren, daughter of former director of the East India Company. This young woman was formed to trade, but in this society, women have any designated place at home.

She chose to be represented on a picture back, and the story begins there, in explaining his choice. His life is full of surprises, joyful as well as sad, and one can easily imagine this woman in the end.

What makes the sadness of this book is the end. Let's avoid you spoiler, but the fate of Magdalena thought-provoking on the place of men and women in society, besides being pleasant.

Newton's First Law Apollo 13

Half-Train? Half Price!

Fed up with crowded travel, frozen!
Fed delays!

more excuses cans, consumers seek compensation.


Since October, our conditions transport has deteriorated significantly: new express trains without heat 2NNG short, users traveling standing, progressive disappearance of the trains and Corals V2N, latest dock late at Paris St-Lazare, train cancellations and delays chronic unbearable. In 2010, users have accumulated an average of 40 hours late . These are the hours stolen from our families and our businesses!

Vernon Train of Life condemns these serious shortcomings to the station and alert the Haute-Normandie and the media about the frustration of users line. A half-train, half price, and we demand financial compensation therefore:


Be involved in your transportation , join us and join in Vernon Train of Life Now: 300 members, 3,000 passengers to Vernon and 10,000 throughout the Paris-Le Havre all morning. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Do Mammals Or Reptiles Respire More

Grand Patron of the station in Vernon? Dating

Vernon Train of Life has learned that this Tuesday, January 18 at the end of the afternoon, Guillaume Pepy, President and CEO of SNCF will be present at Rouen for a large Internal Mass attended by numerous "railroad" of the Haute-Normandie, presumably to congratulate the line Paris - Le Havre is not part of the 12 lines "sick" national, and that the Intercity line remains one of the only, if not THE alone profitable on the backs of users ...

Among the 12 "sick line" that should receive the emergency plan for the station, there is the Paris-Amiens and Paris-Tours or the RER A line. © Valinco / Sipa

As you know, the SNCF will also present on Tuesday evening at the station in Vernon for a meeting with users, from 17h to 20h . The opportunity is too good, frankly, we would like Guillaume Pepy moves to Vernon once said his mass in Rouen to meet the daily train commuters, the 10 000 convicts of Paris - Vernon - Rouen - Le Havre!

More bogus apologies, Mr Pepy: we put you to meet the challenges of the real users and exasperated railway field this Tuesday, January 18 at the station in Vernon! Come to re-engage, explain yourself!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Volleyball Team T Shirt Slogans

SNCF / User: Tuesday, January 18, Vernon Station

After his last-minute cancellation last December due climatic conditions, Vernon Train of Life has received confirmation this week that the Regional SNCF Haute-Normandie organizes a new meeting with users at the station in Vernon on Tuesday 18 January. With our emphasis and the comments made during the previous attempt to meet the station will listen to you on a schedule more compatible with your return, that is to say between 17h and 20h .

VTV will of course be present at the Vernon station for your interests and represent you in a warm, hopefully constructively despite too many shortcomings we suffer for 3 months and in particular the compositions of express trains 2NNG single unit (U.S.) too frequent in peak hours. We expect precise answers and explicit from the station and especially an action plan, a genuine commitment from users.

VTV is listening to you and your relay from SNCF and the region: we have properly considered all the comments you've made in recent weeks on the docks and on board trains or by mails, they are compiled and we will do the synthesis at this meeting. But most of all, your presence is essential: you are also involved in your transportation, you need to express yourself, this opportunity is too rare!

So let's meet you all in the lobby of the Vernon station this Tuesday, January 18th between 17h and 20h to the descent of the trains from Paris St-Lazare or Rouen!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Thinkcentre 8215 Sound Driver

The Merry Josse, Marcel Quint

Author: Marcel Quint
Publisher: Routledge - Published: November 2010 (pocket)
ISBN: 9782070402380 - Price: 5.10 €

About the author

Michel Quint was born in 1949.
He has published thirty books (crime novels, short stories, drama serials and radio). He received the Grand Prize for Literature in 1990 and the police Cinéroman prices in 2001. "Strange Gardens" was adapted to film in 2003 by Jean Becker, Thierry Lhermitte, Jacques Villeret, Andre Dussollier and Benoît Magimel. "Love just" the second installment of Strange Gardens, was published in 2002 by Editions Joelle Losfeld.


A Sablet, we follow a stutterer, Frederico Peres said Rico, and the theater in which it will be built. Between revelers, well-kept secrets, attempted words, and loves, the newspaper is not easy.


It is difficult to really define what is this novel, as it happens things. Everything is told by the young Rico, who stutters, and who does not know what to do to speak. His family has little presence, and is presented first as a young man unsure of himself because of his stuttering.

The troupe is clearly presented as a band of merry men, with no taboos, somewhat in the spirit of the 68, which is especially great party. Thus dear Rico discover the virtues of wine, since it is mainly what is drunk, the dredge, and a few family plots at the same time.

when writing to it is very pleasant, and let yourself be carried away by the happy story sprinkled with citations or references literary. The language is very colloquial, but not shocking, and it is easy to understand even if you do not know the slang of the corner at the base. If you like wine, you certainly will find more references in there who have escaped.

So you could start to believe in having to do a story ultimately not very exciting, which is over the pages, leaving us with only one desire, to understand and know ^ ^

Thanks to Folio editions and Livraddict this little discovery.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hide Caller Id Rogers

Warning: double TER train platform does not mean double rowing at the start! Invitation

Friends users, be very careful when you board a train TER 2N NG MU (multiple unit train = double) you may stay in port!
I was told last night for 18.30, while the TER UM was docked, some users are connected (as usual) in the first train that was open. Unfortunately for them, only half ream head was bound for Rouen , the tail had been severed and had to stay in PSL.
It seems that information has been given the platform, but some have not paid attention and had to take the next train! (You can testify to tell us how the news was circulated ...).

So be very careful before boarding!
other hand, the SNCF would have closed the doors of this train half to avoid problems.
But with the station, nothing is simple!
And once again, travel in compressed mode for users!

Monday, January 10, 2011

What Does Malaria Affect In The Body

Your association Vernon Train of Life is involved in many meetings during the year and we would like to get involved to benefit from these moments when speech is given to us! This year 2011 we would like to invite some members in certain meetings and conferences in our presence.

We will inaugurate this practice very quickly because we ourselves have received from the General Council of Eure an invitation for the next conference debate on territorial displacement of Eure, this Wednesday, January 12 next at 18.30 Council General Evreux !

Despite this late invitation, the president of Vernon Train of Life, Didier Jaume t, will attend this panel discussion and we will not defend the interests of users of the station in Vernon with the General Council of the Eure, the Conseil Régional de Haute-Normandie, and representatives of the SNCF. Last year, the conference was heavily focused on dysfunctions Rail zero doubts that this year is no different, quite the contrary, and we'll make sure to remember out loud!

If you are interested to attend and participate in this conference-debate in Evreux this Wednesday along with Didier Jaumet, do not hesitate to let you know very quickly with VTV so we can organize transportation logistics between Vernon and Evreux.

Thank you for your cooperation and support, and remember:

"Be actor of your transport!"

How To Disable Camera Flash In Nokia N72

Kraa, Benoit Sokal

Author: Benoît Sokal
Publisher: Casterman - Published: September 2010
ISB N: 9782203020443 - Price: 18 €

About the author

Benoît Sokal, born June 28, 1954 to Brussels is a writer and cartoonist. From the late 1990s, Benoît Sokal has also become video game creator wrote and directed his first video game: Amerzone . It is also the inventor of the famous character Inspector Canardo .


In a cold region, between Alaska and Siberia, a valley inhabited only by an old Indian tribe, and by animals. Kraa, eagle, and Yuma, India will bind, and help when the colonizers want to make the valley a megalopolis.


birds are often seen as beautiful creatures, forgetting that they can be very proud, and cruel. This is the case of the young eagle Kraa, who lives only to kill and dominate. The human being is not frightened, he is not afraid to tackle it. Yuma is just the opposite, and yet they will bind and love. The Indian is brave, but also very generous, not hesitating to help the eagle.

The story is interesting and makes me want to pursue it, even if cruelty is very present in this album. As for graphics, it is late, and shows very well the beauty of wild nature that we are talking about here.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Can Ringworm Stay Dormant In You

The daily figure: 2

The number of counters will remain open up at the station in Vernon from 1 February.

Indeed, when Station Vernon seen passing over 1.2 million passenger year, ranking it among the top 100 stations National, Regional Directorate of the SNCF decided to remove one of three positions tellers, believing no doubt that robots and other tickets available on the Internet will replace relationships and especially the specific demands of passengers in front of fares and schedules become more complex and nebulous.

Incidentally, the controller of the lobby does not accept travel vouchers him.

From February 1, users of the Vernon station will therefore be a bit more tail in the hall to pay their ticket, especially when a dam filter is present on the docks ...

What Do The Color Wrist Bangs Mean?

The BFG, Roald Dahl

Author: Roald Dahl - Translator: Camille Fabien - Illustrator: Quentin Blake
E publisher: Gallimard - Release: 1984 (1st edition)
ISBN: 9782070612642 - Price: 7.70 €

About the author

Roald Dahl (September 13, 1916 - November 23, 1990) is a British-Norwegian writer born in Wales, author of novels and new ones, which are aimed at both children and adults. Among his most famous works include Charlie and the Chocolate , adapted several times film, as well as collections of short stories squeaky Kiss Kiss and Bizarre, weird ( Someone like you )


Sophie, an orphan sees a great evening out in silhouette, and before she had time to say whew, there she is abducted by a giant, who takes him to his country. Fortunately for her, the BFG, which has captured, and he does not eat humans ...


And that was my first Roald Dahl. Surprising as it may, I'd never read before, and I am very sorry.

Sophie, the little girl that we follow, nothing really specific, except that it's a smart girl and an orphan. In contrast, BGG, it is a very fun character. First, admit that a vegetarian giant is still not common. And who decides to help a little girl, much less.

Our giant knows many things, and speaks always making puns, presumably unintentional. The land of giants is also a well developed country, because imagine quite easily, sad and desolate, and was often sorry for the poor BGG, which apparently serves to drudge.

But despite that, it's a very funny story, whose puns are smiling and perfectly entertaining, whether you are young or old ^ ^ After all, you feel like you not to meet a vegetarian giant who makes puns?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Testing After Desidual Bleeding

-18 ° C: AGLAGLAGLA ...

You may have noticed for over 2 months, our trains (Bombardier) are frozen and full of air currents. After several questions about the lack of heat, I think I found the answer: we're not into trains but in fridges on rails! Are we distracted ...
This future technology is called:
  1. cold blast cold air
  2. ventilated cold air circulation
    (choose the name that makes you happy)
As described in a certain brand Appliance sold in D. .. y, " This unit is equipped with technology " Full no frost " which ensures a constant and uniform temperature and also allows adjustment of any change of T C. Thanks to frost , completed the chore of defrosting because it prevents the formation of ice. "
Incredible, that's exactly what we live!

Have you noticed the wind tunnel at the foot windows, air conditioning, which is activated violently and the door remains wide open for 2 minutes when the train is at berth? The objective of the SNCF seems clear: las recriminations Traveler VTV and THEY have decided to freeze without our knowledge. Every day, they lower the temperature and one day we will arrive frozen at your destination.
+ passenger = frozen - problems.
At the station, everything is possible.

A quick survey of my knowledge tells me that Foreign Canada, Russia, Austria and Sweden, travelers are not subjected to conditions of travel as chilling. Maybe in Nepal but the trips are shorter;).

After chocolate and sudoku Christmas, I propose that for winter 2011, they offer us blankets survival, water bottles and mulled wine.

Friends of the station and Region Leaders Unite to warm your customers and constituents: it should not be complicated to change the setting "factory" to increase the temperature of the heating!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Stomach Virus Sore Neck

2011: Here we go again!

That's it, we are in 2011 and sadly the station has not made good resolutions from this Monday, January 3: 11 minute delays on rotation 7:42 / 6:50 p.m. to me and yet train TER 2N NG simple composition (U.S. - Single Unit) for 3131 to 6:50 p.m. bound for Le Havre. Needless to state that this magnificent train was crowded with many passengers standing or sitting on the stairs or on their suitcases. The routine ... According to Radio

Catenary and with the confirmation of certain agents ASCT, some trains TER 2N NG now circulating on the Paris - Evreux - Serquigny : SNCF and uses the last few weeks some of the 16 trains initially dedicated to the Paris - Vernon - Rouen - Le Havre on the other branch of Upper Normandy, which partly explains the growing number of very U.S. trains on our line. We robbing Peter to pay Paul. Region Is she aware or willing?

is a shame to travel like this, and every day! The Region has been alerted about this but Vernon Train of Life looks forward aggressively respond shortly with the support of its members and the media. The situation can not continue the truce of Christmas and New Year is over: I personally do not want to renew my subscription in mid-January and I will join the ranks of so many fraudsters Vernon and other High Normans awarded the serious dysfunctions in the station.

Nearly 40 hours of delays in 2010 on the simple rotation 7:42 / 18h50: if we convert the accumulated hourly wage on the basis of an hourly minimum wage Gross of 9 € for 3000 and passenger-employees, more than € 1,000,000 not participate and this year the Gross Domestic Product. Of course this is a minimum, do the math with your gross salary and explain that to your boss ... When

Region Is she apply financial sanctions to the station? The passenger line will not (longer) wait them.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Official Letter Of Disconnecting Services

Happy Birthday

a year since this blog exists! And yes, it's January 3, 2010 Parchment of that Sha was born, so it's first birthday!

If you want statistics and figures, I invite you to take a look at my previous article, he speaks precisely!

Firstly, a big thank you to Green alias Calenwen , since indeed it was she who made me discover a blog community of readers bloggers ^ ^ Then, a big thank you to Mylou, which was very kindly entrusted to decorate!

For a year now, I have discovered several communities, namely The Circle Atuan , ActuSF , Elbakin , PlanetSF , etc. . and integrate myself with joy! There have also been participating in several events, including youth living room of Montreuil in 2009 and 2010, the Book Fair 2010 and the Utopiales 2010, even though all these events have not been any items except the last. I also met with members of Circle Atuan repeatedly, and those of the forum Atalante also happy to do it again!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ News ~ ~

For his one year of Parchment Sha announce that we now a Facebook page, available here and a Twitter account here. Please come and take our news!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Challenges ~

The Middle Earth Challenge, organized by The Bursar: After watching the three films, The Silmarillion, the one I feared most, has been completed and reviewed, as is Volume 1 of Unfinished Tales! The second is when he is playing for a while ^ ^

Serial Killer Challenge, organized by Alcapone: That one, I'm stuck in the Black Book of serial killers, Stephane Bourgoin, who turns out to be a bigger piece than expected. I'll make it!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Balance bookish 2010 ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~

to start a small top, not in order ^ ^

Hanka, 15, prostitute to troops Austwich. Novel very sad and very well written.

Suite Sister Swan, here we follow the adventures of Liadan, in the style always as sweet and nice to the author.

First volume of a saga of war and politics at a time, very complex, with something for everyone who loved the Black Company.

Humor and madness will await you. Let yourself be carried away by your tour guide containing everything you need, "Do not panic! "

Corrag, condemned to the stake for witchcraft . The Rev. Leslie hear his wonderful story, in a seventeenth century Ireland .

"Welcome to the first day of your death. A breathless thriller to find the culprit in seven days.

Meant to be read as a tale, this novel takes you on a beautiful epic story and you history of Eylir Ap Callaghan.

  • Swans , Vincent Gessler (Ed. L'Atalante)

Roman post-apocalyptic, very fluid style takes you easily in the wake of Syn trapper!

intolerance, war, and religion this is all in there! As a quest, rub here ... religious fanaticism

few flops? The king's body double , Ugo Bellagamba and Thomas Day. I'm sure it's a very nice novel, but he asked me to attach myself to the problem characters.

If we add something, it will be for Coup Rider , Walter Jon Williams, who without my top, had the merit to be reconciled with science fiction. Indeed, for the anecdote, I had the misfortune youngest want to read Asimov's, and probably made a bad choice. Scientific explanations for a good thirty pages, it had cooled you see XD.

In this new year, I also chose to launch myself a little challenge, which will read the tests. The minimum requirement is a historical work ( Dicoatlas of world history ), a book on politics, another on the news, and a book of philosophy ( The banquet , Socrates), let's be crazy. Wish me luck!

Resolutions for 2011, more science fiction, more comics, and I hope many more discoveries!

If you have read so far, thank you, again, a good year for you, and soon I hope!