Sunday, January 2, 2011

Official Letter Of Disconnecting Services

Happy Birthday

a year since this blog exists! And yes, it's January 3, 2010 Parchment of that Sha was born, so it's first birthday!

If you want statistics and figures, I invite you to take a look at my previous article, he speaks precisely!

Firstly, a big thank you to Green alias Calenwen , since indeed it was she who made me discover a blog community of readers bloggers ^ ^ Then, a big thank you to Mylou, which was very kindly entrusted to decorate!

For a year now, I have discovered several communities, namely The Circle Atuan , ActuSF , Elbakin , PlanetSF , etc. . and integrate myself with joy! There have also been participating in several events, including youth living room of Montreuil in 2009 and 2010, the Book Fair 2010 and the Utopiales 2010, even though all these events have not been any items except the last. I also met with members of Circle Atuan repeatedly, and those of the forum Atalante also happy to do it again!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ News ~ ~

For his one year of Parchment Sha announce that we now a Facebook page, available here and a Twitter account here. Please come and take our news!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Challenges ~

The Middle Earth Challenge, organized by The Bursar: After watching the three films, The Silmarillion, the one I feared most, has been completed and reviewed, as is Volume 1 of Unfinished Tales! The second is when he is playing for a while ^ ^

Serial Killer Challenge, organized by Alcapone: That one, I'm stuck in the Black Book of serial killers, Stephane Bourgoin, who turns out to be a bigger piece than expected. I'll make it!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Balance bookish 2010 ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~

to start a small top, not in order ^ ^

Hanka, 15, prostitute to troops Austwich. Novel very sad and very well written.

Suite Sister Swan, here we follow the adventures of Liadan, in the style always as sweet and nice to the author.

First volume of a saga of war and politics at a time, very complex, with something for everyone who loved the Black Company.

Humor and madness will await you. Let yourself be carried away by your tour guide containing everything you need, "Do not panic! "

Corrag, condemned to the stake for witchcraft . The Rev. Leslie hear his wonderful story, in a seventeenth century Ireland .

"Welcome to the first day of your death. A breathless thriller to find the culprit in seven days.

Meant to be read as a tale, this novel takes you on a beautiful epic story and you history of Eylir Ap Callaghan.

  • Swans , Vincent Gessler (Ed. L'Atalante)

Roman post-apocalyptic, very fluid style takes you easily in the wake of Syn trapper!

intolerance, war, and religion this is all in there! As a quest, rub here ... religious fanaticism

few flops? The king's body double , Ugo Bellagamba and Thomas Day. I'm sure it's a very nice novel, but he asked me to attach myself to the problem characters.

If we add something, it will be for Coup Rider , Walter Jon Williams, who without my top, had the merit to be reconciled with science fiction. Indeed, for the anecdote, I had the misfortune youngest want to read Asimov's, and probably made a bad choice. Scientific explanations for a good thirty pages, it had cooled you see XD.

In this new year, I also chose to launch myself a little challenge, which will read the tests. The minimum requirement is a historical work ( Dicoatlas of world history ), a book on politics, another on the news, and a book of philosophy ( The banquet , Socrates), let's be crazy. Wish me luck!

Resolutions for 2011, more science fiction, more comics, and I hope many more discoveries!

If you have read so far, thank you, again, a good year for you, and soon I hope!


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