Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lic Money Plus Sell ?

joined strikers

Our association is calling on its members and all passengers Line Vernon-Rouen-Paris in particular and all lines Norman to join this movement to force the station and all stakeholders (RFF - State - Regions) to recognize the plight of rail transportation out TGV.
Despite the 400 million euros invested by the Region Haute Normandie to renovate or replace the rolling stock, despite the introduction of timing sold as a solution to all our problems, despite the involvement of user associations and despite promises constantly renewed by the SNCF, the situation continues to worse: delays, docking late, failures, hardware problems, lack of space, no heating or toilets on board, lack of information, etc ... are daily
Meanwhile The direction of the station, out of step with reality all of its field staff and customers, continues to self-congratulate and to convince themselves that everything goes well, the same regularity is in progress on the Paris-Vernon-Rouen-Le Havre! And the rates continue to rise!


We have 6 claims:
  1. A compensation (50% reduction packages made between February 1 and March 31, 2011) owing to poor transport conditions that we experienced from October to January 2010.
  2. The upgrading of compensation for delays than 30 minutes
  3. New compensation for delays between 10 and 30 minutes : to force be unmarked, they become daily!
  4. The subscription rates freeze in 2011 and as users do not see a service improvement based on measurable criteria.
  5. The addition of the Paris-Rouen to the list of lines "sick" and priority.
  6. A concrete plan of action and real SNCF, RFF, Regions and State. A real emergency plan that is not a series of "scoops " must be implemented without waiting for projects to 20 years! The plan shall be punishable by financial penalties the benefit of users.
You have probably heard on the radio, seen on television or read in newspapers, a real national movement is taking place: users SNCF express their displeasure by refusing to submit to the operations of checking tickets!
Vernon Train of Life invites its members and all users of the Paris-Rouen to join this movement
from today until Friday, February 4 included.
WARNING: not present his ticket does not mean, of course, does not possess. Everyone must be in possession of a valid ticket but in case of control, simply fill in a courteous and polite to the controller that you are part of the strikers users who wish to express their displeasure!
Team up, hold up, express yourself!
And do not forget that many controllers are aware of the situation also for everyday living. They may be our best allies ... However if an officer refuses any dialogue and will not listen or understand, insist-not ...!
The dummy package to present to officers on board.

Feel free to download, print and distribute the same leaflets that operation:


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