Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How Many Calories Are In A Bbq Sandwich

the wishes of the Upper Normandy region: between rant, bitterness and powerlessness? Delays

To start the year, the President of our Region Alain Le Vern, had once again tearing their hair on the thorny issue of rail transport. Indeed
how not to get white hair when despite a major investment in hardware, nothing will, and even worse is nothing seems to get better for travelers Norman? Here

mail addressed to Guillaume Pepy early January :

E xtract press kit handed out at the wishes of the President to the press on matters railway
"Supporting users daily
Distribution of leaflets, distributing questionnaires ... satisfaction, more and more users are organizing to express their dissatisfaction over the conditions of transport on routes to Paris. They denounce regular delays, malfunctions in the operation of trains and bemoan a lack of information.
"The regional passenger transport are now among the major powers of our community. In this area, we set three priorities: improving service roads, modernize rolling stock, and offer users simple and attractive rates. In the first quarter of 2011, all trains high-Norman will be new or renovated with an investment of over € 400 million of the Region ", recalls Alain Le Vern, President of the Haute-Normandie.
Despite the Region's investment in the trains running between Havre and Paris, remember it goes beyond the strict competence of the regional community, many problems persist in this line became obsolete and saturated.
While we welcome the work of the commission Duport advancing at a good rate, especially by withholding priorities advocated long ago by our community (establishment of a new railway station at Rouen, bottlenecking Mantois ...), the concrete expression on the ground will not see the day for several years. The concern reaffirmed the Region is primarily to satisfy the daily users by responding promptly their legitimate expectations.
Unfortunately, the station does not appear to have now means of its ambitions. The national operator highlights the winter weather conditions to explain many current problems, but this argument only reinforces the sense of disarray among users. " regular use, I personally observed a significant deterioration in conditions of transport in recent weeks. Particularly given the unprecedented commitment of the Region, I can accept that it endures without the operator from reacting bonds "says Alain Le Vern.
Faced with this situation, the President of the Region wrote to Guillaume Pepy, SNCF President in order that measures be implemented as soon as possible to improve the conditions of transport users. The provision of the SNCF must be equal to the investments made by the Region " to a level of production that meets the needs of travelers.
Alain Le Vern asks the state, largest shareholder of the SNCF, to take its responsibilities and allow the company National exercise its public service mission in the best conditions. "


At this stage, we can really doubt the powers of our region on the monster SNCF / RFF.
And when we know that the only response of the SNCF strike against the subscriber B is to return them ... to the regions, there is something out of patience!

You will notice however that the tone changes.
Moreover, Mr. Le Vern recently attended the wishes of the City of Vernon taking a long speech on the subject ! If we remember the beginnings of the association end 2008 ... What progress! By dint of patience and perseverance of the members of VTV Station and Vernon come back into the regional rail map ! See the positive side of this event ... if not better.

No doubt it is for us to make things happen. The trend is taking media power users themselves! So let's go!
continued ... very soon ...


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